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Jacqueline Dohaney PhD Student University of Canterbury, New Zealand

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1 Jacqueline Dohaney PhD Student University of Canterbury, New Zealand
FUNDED BY: THE GEOTHERMAL GAME One day, capstone role-playing game 3-4th year geology students Combines use of geology and soft skills Jacqueline Dohaney PhD Student University of Canterbury, New Zealand Tom Powell Darren Gravley & Ben Kennedy

2 TAKE HOME POINTS: 1. Geothermal experts value practical and soft skills 2. Students enjoyed the Game, and learned about geothermal concepts! (Exceptional mean Learning Gain of ~0.3) 3. Future plans  Virtual learning environment

3 Energy, Efficiency and Conservation Authority of NZ
GEOTHERMAL IN NZ Geothermal Oil + Gas Hydro Other Coal  15% of national energy budget Renewable, sustainable, “GREEN” Māori iwi partnerships Source of employment for Kiwi Geologists! Energy, Efficiency and Conservation Authority of NZ 15% of national energy budget, but projected to be near 20% in 2012, due to rapid development of new properties (NZGA) Green energy: sustainable, renewable, low emissions, low waste, very little environmental impacts (versus oil and gas, etc) Strong partnerships and guardianship (or Kaitiakitanga) of natural resources by Māori iwi (tribes)

4 Geoscience Education Field which uses social science, and pedagogy (strategies and style of teaching) to design and analyze teaching activities and practices. Why is this important? To develop effective learning tools To develop activities that students enjoy Students learn more when they are motivated and engaged Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative

5 EXPERT INTERVIEWS Preliminary results:
Consenting managers, geologists, geophysicists, Project managers, R&D managers n = 6; with 7 more later this year Preliminary results: 2. MUST consider Non-geological factors *Economics* 1. Collaboration and communication skills are paramount Student Feedback Learning Gains Expert Interviews 4. Most important geological tool: Developing a fluid flow model 3. Multidisciplinary Approach

6 LEARNING GOALS At the end of this game, students should be able to…
1. Explain geothermal resource exploration, step-by-step 2. Apply geological techniques in a geothermal setting 3. Communicate (oral, and written) summary of findings 4. Integrate socio-political info with team 5. Judge viability of ‘resource’ At the end of this game, students should be able to… Explain the step-by-step process that Geothermal companies go through to gain consent for the development of an industrial geothermal resource. Apply the following authentic techniques in a geothermal setting: geochemical and geophysical characterization of geothermal waters (sources) develop a basic working-model of geothermal fluid flow (in 2D and 3D) strategic exploratory drill-hole targeting proven resource estimate calculation based on your working-model develop a forward-model of a power plant considering sustainability (re-injection) and environmental and socio-political impacts Communicate orally and in writing a summary of geothermal data and findings in the appropriate language: plain English to a non-specialized audience, and jargon-limited but to a specialized audience Constructively integrate geological data with socio-political (economics and cultural) information within a multidisciplinary team and consider the multidisciplinary expertise required in the geothermal exploration process. Judge the viability of exploration of a resource together using all available data (geologic, economic, social). Note that all the Bloom’s verbs utilized are high-level Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Goal Verbs

7 Could a reservoir exist? What is our model?
Stage 1: Planning Stage 3: Improve Model Stage 4: Forward Model Stage 2: Model Justify exploration and Provide an exploration budget $$ 1. Conceptual Model and Drilling Programme 2. Improve model; More Drilling 3. Final Presentation: Conceptual Model; Proven Reserves; and Environmental Impacts 4.  Originally developed by Tom Powell (Mighty River Power) and Darren Gravley for the Frontiers Abroad Programme  Students work through 4 distinct exploration stages as a team  After each stage, they present their results to a Board of Directors  ‘Board’ is made up of REAL geothermal experts, profs  Students apply their skills to create geological models, and assess the viability of a resource while considering other socio-political factors Could a reservoir exist? What is our model? - Geology  Fluid flow - Alteration - Structure How many holes do we need to make a good model? What does the down-hole data tell us? Discovery well!! Is this a viable resource? Geospatial estimate of our resource… What size power plant can we build? What are the other factors that need considering? Initial Geological Assessment Consenting Land Access! COSTS Surveys, Analyses Drilling + Mobilization JUSTIFY to the Board Design Presentation

Role-play + Real world! Feedback/interaction with experts Soft skills Critical thinking skills Authentic learning – rephrase Benefits of role-play Other skills that people NEED in the real world – collaboration, communication Critical thinking skills – putting the pieces together Instant feedback from expert geologists Identifying scientific misconceptions that students have about geothermal concepts Developing a better understanding of the complexity of the process Creating interest about the industrial side of geology

2010 RESULTS Interviews and Questionnaires n = 12 POSITIVE STUDENT FEEDBACK! “I thought it was interesting to see how geology was viewed in a more commercial setting. I liked getting the different perspectives of geothermal from geologists, company people and Maori ideas.” “Exciting, practical topic. Visit to power plant!! Variety of field locations. Cool lectures, and apply our knowledge in the geothermal game” “Hearing from Joe and Mike. Such a current and important industry, very interesting to learn about” Student Feedback was very positive! Out of other aspects of the field course, they valued this module above other modules

(Post %-Pre%) (100% - Pre%) Learning gain = (Hake, 1998) OUR RESULTS INDICATE EXCEPTIONAL LEARNING GAINS FROM MODULE + SIMULATION In geology, field courses reveal > learning gains (LG) than traditional lecture courses (Elkins & Elkins, 2007) Avg M Avg F Traditional (Lecture) All Field M 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 50 100 Pre-test Score % Learning Gain A B M 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 50 100 Pre-test Score % Learning Gain All Field Traditional (Lecture) Our geothermal concept test revealed an average LG of 0.34 ± 0.18. On average, males had >Pre-test scores  But, all students had ~ LG’s Student A = 30% pre-test 44% post-test = LG of 0.2 Student B = 80% pre-test 84% post-test = LG of 0.2 Student Feedback Learning Gains Expert Interviews

11 FUTURE WORK Deeper analysis of expert interviews
Develop & analyze design of Game (iteratively) Authentification of data and student tasks during the game (e.g. consenting) Virtual Single-player Game! Student Feedback Learning Gains Expert Interviews

12 Jacqueline Dohaney PhD Student University of Canterbury, New Zealand
FUNDED BY: Thank you! Jacqueline Dohaney PhD Student University of Canterbury, New Zealand Tom Powell Darren Gravley & Ben Kennedy

13 Geothermal Concept Test
Multiple-Choice; Non-validated; Co-authored with geothermal/volcanology expert. Figures were used for some questions. E.g. Question 2: In general, where does the water come from that makes up geothermal systems? a. rain b. glaciers c. deep magma d. oceans e. surface volcanoes Some questions about hydrogeology, physical properties were taken from the GCI and SERC’s concept clicker questions (which are validated)  Validated instrument is being designed for use at Canterbury University

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