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2nd yr semester test review

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1 2nd yr semester test review
Egg game or eraser game

2 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
¿Me ayuda a pedir? Could you help me order Traer To bring Quisiera I would like El tenedor The fork

3 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Todavía Still/yet El queso The cheese El postre The dessert

4 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
El desayuno The breakfast algo Something La carne The meat

5 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Riquísimo Very tasty Es aparte Separate checks La propina The tip

6 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Fui I went Caliente Hot/warm La cuchara The spoon

7 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
El arroz The rice La taza The cup pedir To order/ask for

8 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Acostarse To go to bed Los quehaceres The chores Ponerse To put on

9 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Levantarse To get up Ducharse To shower Afeitarse To shave

10 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
El cepillo The brush El peine The comb El diente The tooth

11 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
El cuerpo The body Duro Difficult La manta The blanket

12 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Secarse To dry oneself Sucio Dirty Limpiar el cuarto To clean the room

13 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
La mano The hand Dormirse To fall asleep Si if

14 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Felizmente Happily La cocina The kitchen El suelo The floor

15 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
La ventana The window El sillón The arm chair Las tapas The appetizers

16 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Pasar la aspiradora To vacuum Abierto Open Cerrado Closed

17 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Ayer Yesterday Las velas The candles La mentira The lie

18 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Los globos The balloons El amor The love Por fin finally

19 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Imperfect- past tense – be thinking ‘aba/’ía She used to sing Ella cantaba They used to listen Ellos escuchaban I used to hope for/wait for Yo esperaba

20 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
She used to run Ella corría I used to go Yo iba They used to be (permanent characteristic) Ellos eran

21 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Tú commands- be thinking – “he/she form” and don’t forget the irregs- she’ll be comin round the mountain Run! ¡Corre! Listen to me ¡Escúchame!

22 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Get up! ¡levántate! Tell me! ¡Dime! Do! ¡haz!

23 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Negative tú commands- think yo (minus) o opposite ending Don’t talk! ¡No hables Don’t swim! ¡No nades! Don’t have! ¡No tengas!

24 I can recall 1st semester vocab and grammar.
Don’t arrive! ¡No llegues! Don’t do! ¡No hagas! Don’t go! ¡No vayas!

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