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Properties of Solutions

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1 Properties of Solutions
Chapter 18: Solutions Properties of Solutions

2 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Solution Formation Formation of homogeneous mixtures Factors that affect solution formation (dissolving) Nature of the solute and solvent Amount of solute vs. solvent Factors that affect the rate of solution formation (dissolving) Stirring (agitation) Temperature Surface area Particle size

3 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Solubility How solution formation works Only so much solute will go into solution because, once room for a solute is not present, the particles going into solution are exchanged with particles coming out of solution. Partly responsible for precipitate formation

4 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Solubility Unsaturated solution A solution that contains less solute than a saturated solution Most solutions are unsaturated Solubility of a substance The amount of a substance that dissolves in a given quantity of solvent at a given temperature to produce a saturated solution Varies depending on temperature, kinds of solute and solvent, and other factors Miscibility Ability for two liquids to dissolve in each other Example: ethanol and water Partial miscibility Ability for two liquids to somewhat dissolve in each other Example: water and diethyl ether

5 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Solubility Immiscibility Inability for two liquids to dissolve in each other Example: petroleum and water Factors Affecting Solubility Temperature

6 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Factors Affecting Solubility Temperature (continued) As temperature increases, generally the solubility of a solid will increase.

7 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Factors Affecting Solubility Temperature (continued) As temperature increases, generally the solubility of a gas will decrease.

8 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Factors Affecting Solubility Pressure As the gas pressure above a solution increases, the gas solubility of the solvent increases. Gas is forced into solution more (I.e., greater solubility) if a greater gas pressure is exerted over the solution in order to keep the gas in the solution. Henry’s Law S1: solubility of the first solution P1: gas pressure above the first solution S2: solubility of the second solution P2: gas pressure above the second solution

9 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Properties of Solutions --
Factors Affecting Solubility Supersaturated solution A solution that contains more than it theoretically should be able to hold at a given temperature Results from mixing at higher temperature or pressure (a) (b) (c) (a): Supersaturated solution before a seed crystal is added (b): Solution after a seed crystal has been added (c): Excess solute in solution crystallizes rapidly

10 Concentrations of Solutions
Chapter 18: Solutions Concentrations of Solutions

11 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Molarity Concentration of a solution A measure of the amount of solute that is dissolved in a given quantity of solvent Descriptions of concentration Qualitative measures and expressions Dilute solutions have only low concentrations of solute Concentrated solutions have high concentrations of solute Expressed as “M” Number of moles of a solute dissolved per liter of solution

12 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Molarity Example: Calculate the molarity of a solution made of g CuSO4 in 4.00 L of solution. Solution:

13 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Molarity Dilution of a solution The total number of moles before and after solution will remain the same since no solute is being added. Formula M1: First solution’s molarity M2: Second solution’s molarity V1: First solution’s volume V2: Second solution’s volume

14 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Molarity Example: You have the following stock solutions available: 2.00M NaCl, … Calculate the volume you must dilute to make mL of 0.500M NaCl. Solution:

15 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Percent Solutions Percent by volume Expressed as % (v/v) Percent (mass/volume) Expressed as % (m/v)

16 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Percent Solutions Parts per million Expressed as ppm Used primarily for gas and living habitats EPA usage Other applications

17 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Concentrations of Solutions --
Percent Solutions Example: The Dead Sea contains 58 moles of lithium ion in 1.0 x 103 kg of seawater. Calculate the concentration, in ppm, of lithium ion in the Dead Sea. Solution:

18 Colligative Properties of Solutions
Chapter 18: Solutions Colligative Properties of Solutions

19 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Colligative Properties --
A property of a solution that depends only on the number of solute particles Three colligative properties Boiling point elevation Vapor pressure lowering Freezing point depression The more solute particles in solution, the more the property occurs More particles, the more the boiling point is elevated More particles, the more the vapor pressure is lowered More particles, the more the freezing point is depressed

20 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Colligative Properties --
Example If you have equal numbers of moles of CaCl2, AlCl3, NH4NO3, and C6H12O6, which, when dissolved in solution, would have 1) the lowest freezing point, 2) the lowest vapor pressure, and 3) the lowest boiling point? CaCl2  Ca2+ + 2Cl– (3 particles per mole) AlCl3  Al3+ + 3Cl– (4 particles per mole) NH4NO3  NH4+ + NO3– (2 particles per mole) C6H12O6 (1 particle per mole; molecular, so doesn’t dissociate)

21 Chapter 18: Solutions -- Colligative Properties --
Example If you have equal numbers of moles of CaCl2, AlCl3, NH4NO3, and C6H12O6, which, when dissolved in solution, would have 1) the lowest freezing point, 2) the lowest vapor pressure, and 3) the lowest boiling point? Lowest (most depressed) freezing point: AlCl3 Most particles per mole (4) Lowest (most lowered) vapor pressure: AlCl3 Lowest boiling point (opposite most elevated boiling point): C6H12O6 Least particles per mole (1)

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