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Chemistry PODs 142 - 145.

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1 Chemistry PODs

2 POD # /11/2016 Write your first and last name and today’s date in the upper right hand corner of your paper. Fold your paper into fourths. Be sure to number and date each POD. What is a colligative property? What are some examples of colligative properties? What is the boiling point of a 1.5m aqueous solution of fructose (C6H12O6)? The boiling point elevation constant of water is 0.515˚C/m. Assume solute is a nonelectrolyte. Physical properties of solutions that are affected by the number of particles but not by the identity of the dissolved solute particles are called colligative properties. Colligative properties include vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and osmotic pressure. Tb = ˚𝐶

3 POD # /12/2016 Write your first and last name and today’s date in the upper right hand corner of your paper. Fold your paper into fourths. Be sure to number and date each POD. What is a colligative property? What are some examples of colligative properties? What is the boiling point of a 1.5m aqueous solution of fructose (C6H12O6)? The boiling point elevation constant of water is 0.515˚C/m. Assume solute is a nonelectrolyte. . Physical properties of solutions that are affected by the number of particles but not by the identity of the dissolved solute particles are called colligative properties. Colligative properties include vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and osmotic pressure. Tb = ˚𝐶

4 POD #143 4/13/2016 Make sure that your PODs are numbered and dated.
Why does a solution (a solvent with solute dissolved into it)have a lower boiling point than that of a pure solvent? Solute particles in solution decrease vapor pressure above the solution. Because a solution boils when its vapor pressure equals the external pressure, this decrease in vapor pressure results in the need for a higher temperature in order for the solution to boil. Calculate freezing point depression of a solution containing 50.0g of glucose (C6H12O6) dissolved in 500.0g of water. ΔTf = Kfm Solute particles in solution decrease vapor pressure above the solution. Because a solution boils when its vapor pressure equals the external pressure, this decrease in vapor pressure results in the need for a higher temperature in order for the solution to boil. ΔTf = Kfm

5 POD #144 4/14/2016 Make sure that your PODs are numbered and dated.
What is osmotic pressure? Why is osmotic pressure considered a colligative property?

6 POD #145 4/15/2016 Make sure that your PODs are numbered and dated.
Describe how a gas is different than a solid or a liquid. List two physical properties of gases.

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