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Missoula County Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Missoula County Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Missoula County Public Schools
Health Community Forum March 24th, 2016

2 What is Curriculum? Health Enhancement Teachers reviewed: Data
Current MCPS Curriculum National Standards Montana Standards

3 What is Health Enhancement
Health Enhancement combines the disciplines of “health” and “physical education” into a single curriculum with its focus on health-related outcomes. Health is essential to a quality of life and leads directly to improved learning.

4 Standards, Indicators, and Learning Targets
Standards - State/National statements that define content that students should know and be able to do Indicators- Measurable outcomes that define each standard for assessing student performance Learning Targets- Outcomes written in student friendly language. L

5 What are the essential components of health education in the 21st Century?
Small group brainstorming Record your top three ideas

6 Reading the Draft Document
Standards Indicators

7 Reading the Draft Document
Learning Targets

8 Examining the Draft Document
Small Groups: Pink- What learning targets/indicators are most essential? Yellow- What learning targets/indicators are unclear?

9 Exit Ticket What suggestions do you have for the health curriculum review committee? Can you suggest a local organization that can provide training and/or resources for our classroom teachers?

10 Public Comment…

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