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Public Policy Analysis

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1 Public Policy Analysis
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2 What is public policy? T.R.Dye , 1978 :
Public policy is whatever govrnments choose to do or not to do. C.L.Chochran & E.F.Malone , 1995 : Public policy consists of political decisions for implementing pro-grams to achieve societal goals.

3 public policy types C.L.Chochran & E..Malone , 1995 :
Promotional Policies: as those gvernment actions that provide incentive for idividuals or corporations to undertake activities that would be without the promise of a reward. For instance: subsidies. Regulatory Policies: as those which allow the government to exert control over the conduct of certain activites ( ‘negative forms of control’). They include : invironmental pollution; civil & criminal penalties; consumption of tobacco, alcohol; consumer protection ; employee health and safety. Redistributive Policies: As those which control people by managing the economy as a whole. The techniques of control involve tax and supply of money policies. They tend to beneft one group at the expense of other groups through the reallocation of wealth.

4 To be continued J.P.Lester & J.Stewart,Jr , ( Following T.J.Lowi & Others ) Liberal or Conservative Policies: Liberal policies are those in which the government is used to bring about social change, usually in the direction of ensuring greater level of social equality. Conservative policies generally oppose the use of government to bring about social change. Such as : Liberals tend to favor a concentration of power in higher levels of government ; whereas Conser-vatives tend to favor decentralization of power and authority. Substantive or Procedural Policies: Substantive policies are concerned with governmental actions to deal with substantive problems, such as highway construction; environmental protection; payment of welfare benefits. Procedural policies are those that relate to how something is going to be done or who is going to take action.

5 To be continued Symbolic Policies : Symbolic policies appeal more to cherished values than to tangibles benefits; such as national holidays that honor patriots, concerning the flag etc. Private Goods Policies: Private goods policies are those goods that may be divided into units, and for which consumers can be charged , such as food, trash collection, home security etc.

6 What public policy analysis is ?
Chochran & Malone , 1995: Policy analysis describes investigations that produce accurate and useful information for decision makers Jenkins-Smith, : Policy analysis is a set of techniques and criteria with which to evaluate public policy options and select among them .... to rationalize the development and implementation of public policy .... and as the means to greater efficiency and equity in allocation of public resources

Problem Definition Forecasting needs, defining targets Policy Design Agenda Setting Defining nature Decision analysis Political feasibility analysis Opinion polls, surveys, etc. Termination Policy Legitimation Formative evaluation Summative evaluation Impact Implementation Source : W.Persons, 1997, public policy

8 In order to implement a policy we need a stakeholder analysis first
What is Stakeholder Analysis A stakeholder analysis is a technique you can use to identify and assess the importance of key people, groups of people, or institutions that may significantly influence the success of your activity , project or programme.

9 Why use stakeholder analysis ?
Stakeholder analysis aims to : Identify and define the characteristics of key stakeholders ; Identify people, groups, and institutions that will influence your initiative ( either positively or negatively ) Assess the manner in which they might affect or be affected by the programme / project outcome ; Anticipate the kind of influence, positive or negative, These group will have on your initiative Understand the relations between stakeholders, including an assessment of the real or potentials conflicts of interest and expectation between stakeholders ; Assess the capacity of different stakeholders to participate Develop strategies to get the most effective support possible for your initiative and reduce any obstacles to successful implementation of your program

10 Thank You

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