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Post War America.

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1 Post War America

2 Returning Home G.I. Bill: Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944
college education one year of unemployment compensation loans to buy homes and start businesses

3 Growth of Suburbia Consumer spending went up (consumerism)
Levitt Towns: Inexpensive and fast Better life to raise children 85% of construction was for suburbs By /3 of Americans lived in suburbs

4 $7,990 or $60/month with no down payment.

5 Suburban Living: The New “American Dream”
1 story high 12’x19’ living room 2 bedrooms tiled bathroom garage small backyard front lawn

Central Cities % % % % Suburbs % % % % Rural Areas/ % % % % Small Towns U. S. Bureau of the Census.

7 Highway Act Increased domestic trade
Increased suburbs/increased car travel – National Highway Act ’56 – interstate system (military & civilian role) Increased domestic trade Citizens could rebuild cities along the highways if there was a nuclear attack


9 Baby Boom From 1945 to 1961, 65 million children were born; child born every 7 seconds Due to financial stability from GI Bill

10 Women and the Straitjacket
Careers limited to nursing, teaching, domestic service, social work, retail sales and secretarial work Media often glorified the role of traditional housewife The ideal modern woman married, cooked and cared for her family, and kept herself busy by joining the local PTA and leading a troop of Campfire Girls. She entertained guests in her family’s suburban house and worked out on the trampoline to keep her size 12 figure Life magazine, 1956


12 1950’s Pop Culture Birth of Television: Mass media
T.V. Dinners Radio began to play music Rock n Roll: Invented by African Americans (R&B) 1st time “Teenager” was used



15 Behavioral Rules of the 1950s:
Obey Authority. Control Your Emotions. Don’t Make Waves  Fit in with the Group. Don’t Even Think About Sex!!!

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