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Overview of FHWA’s Work Zone Safety Grant

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1 Overview of FHWA’s Work Zone Safety Grant
In April 2006 FHWA issued a RFA (Request for Application) for a Work Zone Safety Grant. The estimated total program funding was $17,226,000 and FHWA expected to make up to 5 awards. ATSSA put together a “team” consisting of internal staff and external partners to respond to the RFA. ATSSA was awarded $11.9 million of the total grant.

2 3 Areas Highway Work Zone Worker Safety Training
Highway Work Zone Safety Guidelines Development Highway Work Zone Safety Guidelines Training The grant covers 3 major areas. Within each of these areas there is a detailed work program that was included with the grant application. I will briefly cover the work program for each area.

3 Area 1: Work Zone Training
WESK – What Everyone Should Know About TTC Training TCT – Traffic Control Technician TCS – Traffic Control Supervisor FIT – Flagger Instructor Training ETC – Emergency Traffic Control LEO – Law Enforcement Officer NTC – Nighttime Traffic Control Utility – Utility Traffic Control Area 1 is the course delivery component – one of the reasons our application was successful is that we have existing courses ready to “hit the street” and we didn’t have the long development time of our competitors. A second reason is that our TCT, TCS, and Flagger courses have an outstanding reputation. A third is that FHWA thinks that ATSSA is synonymous with training. We have prioritized these courses in the order that we can successfully plan their release them – over the next couple of months we will be making some minor adjustments to the course curriculum, ensuring that the courses follow NHI guidelines, and making the courses 508 compliant. Then, in the second quarter of 07 we will start working on the schedule for delivery. Course delivery will start 10/07.

4 Area 1: Work Zone Training
Course delivery will start 10/07 1340 total courses covering all 50 States Will follow NHI Guidelines Modules with objectives and recap Instructional design

5 Area 1: Next Steps Prepare courses for scheduling
Prioritized roll out of courses  Modified existing courses  NHI Guidelines  Schedule and promote courses  The courses have been prioritized and modified. We’ve also made sure the courses follow NHI guidelines for development. All courses have been submitted to FHWA for review and approval. The WESK and TCT courses have been finalized. We are on schedule to start delivery of courses in October 2007.

6 Area 1: Next Steps WESK courses scheduled
TCT/TCS/FIT courses scheduled NTC courses scheduled UTC, ETC and LEO courses Tentatively scheduled – Need input All schedules, course descriptions and registration information is on We are also sending out promotional s. In the next month or so we will start a post card marketing campaign. We’ve put ads and blurbs in a variety of publications. Executive Overviews of all 8 courses are available upon request.

7 Special emphasis = Higher priority
“Opportunity States” 16 States that: Are in the top ½ of States by total fatalities, and Have a fatality rate that is above the national average or the safety trend is below the national average. Key Message: Define “opportunity state” Est. Presentation Time: 2 minutes Explanation of Cues/Builds: Text box appears upon click Suggested Comments: The new focused approach involved FHWA reviewing data to identify States with the greatest opportunities for contributing to the reduction of the national highway fatality toll. Sixteen States, each with a fatality rate above the national average of 1.5, or with a fatality improvement trend over the past 5 years below that of the national average, were identified as "opportunities" for safety improvements and are called "opportunity States." In terms of overall roadway fatality numbers, opportunity States were chosen among those that rank in the highest half of all States. (All analysis was based on 2002 data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System.) The 16 opportunity States will have access to three new resources from FHWA: additional funding, additional staff, and priority assistance from leadership in advancing safety goals. Each opportunity State will receive $50,000 in seed money in fiscal year (FY) 2005 to advance its highway safety program. FHWA is reallocating the funds from the Office of Safety to FHWA field offices, a shift in agency philosophy on where the money can be put to the most effective use. FHWA has asked these States to develop proposals on how they intend to use the funds--either to develop a comprehensive highway safety plan or to make progress on an existing plan. Each State is at a different point in the development and implementation of a comprehensive highway safety plan, so the funding is designed to move each State's efforts to the next level. Suggested Questions: What is an opportunity state? Additional Information: This is an FHWA designation Possible Problems: ATSSA does not have a say on which states are selected. It is a function of crash statistics, as explained in the previous slide. Special emphasis = Higher priority

8 The 15 “Opportunity States”
AL GA MO SC AZ KY NC TN CA LA IN TX FL MS PA Here are the 15 “opportunity states”. We are busy contacting state DOTS, local public officials, ATSSA members, contractors and other interested parties in each of these states. We had a mtg with National LTAP to discuss marketing and outreach. We have a TCT level course scheduled with NDLTAP which will be presented via video teleconference. We’ve reached out to NACE, NUCA, APWA, AASHTO, and other interested parties. We are open to working with anyone – our goal is to compliment the existing training that’s available and to get these courses in the hands of as many people as possible.

9 Area 1: Next Steps “Open” courses: first come first served
FREE to federal employees $25 for public officials $50 all others We are taking registrations NOW! These courses fees must be pre-paid and the purpose is to ensure that people don’t register and then not show up. We want full classes.

10 Area 1 Status WESK: COMPLETED TCT: Approved draft, IG under dev.
TCS: Submitted draft FIT – Submitted draft ETC – Submitted draft LEO – Submitted draft NTC – Submitted draft Utility – Submitted draft Our goal is to have all courses reviewed and approved by September 1, 2007.

11 Area 2: Guidelines Development
Develop guidelines in 5 areas: Positive protection High-visibility garments Pedestrians and work zones Maintenance work zone safety Work zone planning, impact assessment and mitigation We provided FHWA with 31 potential subject areas. These 5 areas were chosen after extensive discussion with a Practitioner’s Group and with FHWA. We are in the process of identifying potential products to be developed that will cover these 5 areas.

12 Area 2: Next Steps Identify Guidelines Subject Areas
Synthesis document of existing policies, regulations, and guidelines  Gaps & needs analysis Practitioner group meeting  Develop guidelines and training materials We are now in the process of developing the guidelines for these 5 areas.

13 Area 2 – Next Steps Finalize list of products by area with FHWA
Develop draft guideline documents Address review comments Finalize guideline documents Develop outreach plan and materials Develop training materials Develop evaluation plan Over the next few months, we will finalize the list of products by are and then start drafting guideline documents.

14 Area 3: Guidelines Training
Development and Implementation of Training Programs: 400 Total Courses We will be developing and delivering approximately 400 training courses under Area 3.

15 Area 3: Guidelines Training
Five areas: Traffic Control Design Specialist Urban Work Zone Design Work Zone Strategies Analytical Tools for Work Zone Planning Pedestrian and Bicycle Considerations in Work Zones We provided FHWA with a list of potential subject areas that we felt would lend themselves to course development. These are the 5 areas they’ve asked us to develop and deliver.

16 Area 3: Next Steps Planning for Area 3 will come in year 2 of the grant This work will begin in October 2007.

17 Outreach and Marketing
Quarterly Newsletter Ads and Articles in various industry publications has the latest information on grant activities We are also publishing a quarterly newsletter We’ve placed ads and articles in various industry publications

18 Grant Partners SAIC – Science Applications International Corporation
National Sheriffs Association JM Morales and Associates James Bryden Ernest Huckaby Mark Robinson of SAIC is the Team Leader for Area 2. NSA is helping with the ETC and LEC courses. Juan Morales of JMMorales and Associates is the Team Leader for Areas 1 and 3. Jim Bryden and Ernie Huckaby provide technical assistance under Area 2.

19 Outreach Partners National Tree Care Industry Association NACE
National Towing and Recovery Association American Red Cross AASHTO Also discuss Outreach Partners: National Tree Care Industry Association NACE National Towing and Recovery Association American Red Cross AASHTO They have agreed to assist us with marketing and outreach.

20 Internal Grant Team Donna Clark - GRANT PROGRAM MANAGER
Catherine Saunders Tammy Loving Dave McKee Jim Baron Lisa Wetzel Mitzi Lao Tracey Clark Kristi Henderson

21 Questions Donna Clark or

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