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The NETIM Monitoring Tool
Brokerage Event: Peer learning for innovation agencies Brussels, February 15th 2017
NETIM Partners ARTI – Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l’Innovazione Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation, Lead Partner, Italy IFKA – Iparfejlesztesi Kozhasznu Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry, Partner, Hungary FUNDECYT PCTEX – Fundacion FUNDECYT Parque Cientifico Y Tecnologico De Extremadura Foundation FUNDECYT Science and Technological Park of Extremadura, Partner, Spain
NETIM = NEw Tools for Innovation Monitoring
The problem and challenges: Monitoring innovation dynamics in the territories not easy. Traditional indicators not always appropriate. Availability of data at the desired disaggregation scale not granted. Direct data collection costly. New generation of highly integrated innovation policies (see RIS3) even more difficult to monitor and evaluate.
The project choices Concentrate efforts on the monitoring of S3 policies need to include the specialization dimension a new challenge for regions no consolidated approaches Focus pilot implementation on policies that are common to more partners (Puglia and Extremadura regions): support to R&D&I in companies support to innovative companies start-up
The project approach Disaggregation of all collected indicators across the different RIS3 priorities, according to a three-tier classification (Priority Areas, Innovation Value Chains, Innovation Fields) Use of different indicator sets: input, output, result, transition Monitoring based on information mandatorily provided by the participants to public calls and beneficiaries Monitoring data collected through questionnaires, at project submission time, at project conclusion and in later follow-up phases. Direct surveys, focus groups and other qualitative approaches used for impact evaluation
Designing the data collection system
The monitoring system Different categories of information collected: direct outputs of the funded projects direct impacts of the funded projects on the relevant dimensions of innovation behaviour of the beneficiaries (related to the selected result and transition indicators) any change in the relevant dimensions of innovation behaviour of the beneficiaries (related to the selected result and transition indicators) Two entities are considered in this regard: The project, with its expected outputs and result the individual project proposers and beneficiaries, with their economic and innovation performance
Designing the data collection system
The evaluation of impacts The monitoring data related to result and transition indicators is extended by surveying a larger population of regional actors (non beneficiaries) Counterfactual analysis approaches such as difference of differences can be used by defining appropriate control groups. Other soft methods are used to complement the analysis: interviews to key stakeholders and opinion leaders, focus groups discussions, etc.
Smart Specialization Strategy Goals and objectives Priority Areas
Innovation Value Chains Innovation Fields Regional Operational Program Measures/Actions Input Indicators Output Indicators Result Indicators Additional policy specific output and result indicators S3 specific result indicators Transition indicators Projects mapping to S3 sectors/fields Mapping criteria Ex-ante Project Questionnaire Projects Project Beneficiaries Clustered sets of indicators for S3 monitoring and impact evaluation
Project Beneficiaries Questionnaires for SMEs
Confronting ex-ante and ex-post indicators values for monitoring variations over time Questionnaires for SMEs Human resources Certifications R&D investments Product and process innovations Environmental innovations Intellectual property rights R&D capability Collaboration network Financing sources Ex-ante data compute variations Ex-post data Confronting beneficiaries data with control group data for counterfactual analysis of impacts Control group
A three level segmentation of Puglia region S3
all projects submitted to S3 calls are classified according to this tree all the information collected with reference to a given project (indicators) is then attributed to a specific priority area, innovation value chain, innovation field (indicators segmentation)
International openness
AREA RESULT INDICATORS Firms’ dynamics Survival rate of start-ups Growth in the number of start-ups Growth in the number of academic spin-off Companies birth rate in knowledge intensive sectors Growth in the number of firms Human resources Growth of employees in high-tech and Knowledge intensive sectors Percentage of researchers on the total number of employees Growth in the average companies’ dimension Employment growth in start-ups Networking Number of industry-academia research agreements Percentage of firms having cooperating agreements with other organizations for innovative activities in the previous three years Percentage of start-ups collaborating with large companies Companies developing R&D in collaboration with research organization Percentage of SMEs collaborating with large companies International openness Number of R&D international project proposals Number of new firms attracted in the region Number of new local units of existing firms in the region Number of firms exporting for the first time Innovative behavior Growth in the number of international/national patents in the field Growth in the number of trademarks Growth in the number of designs in the field Percentage of firms introducing a product/process/organizational innovation Percentage of firms introducing a process innovation Percentage of firms introducing organizational/marketing innovation Result indicators for Puglia region S3
Transition indicators for Aerospace Innovation Value Chain in Puglia ACTORS TRANSITION INDICATORS SMEs + Large companies Percentage of engineers on total employees SMEs Share of SME’s sales to large companies located outside the region Number of research projects of SMEs in collaboration with large firms Number of SMEs able to supply a complex product or manage the entire life cycle of a product Large companies Number of R&D employees in large firms Percentage of outsourced service of large companies to regional SMEs Number of research projects of large firms in collaboration with regional R&D organizations Number of research projects of large firms in collaboration with regional SMEs RTOs Number of research projects of R&D organization in collaboration with regional companies
The Ex-ante project questionnaire
PROJECT INFORMATION OBJECTIVES EXPECTED RESULTS KEYWORDS KEY TECHNOLOGIES KEY ENABLING TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FIELD INNOVATION VALUE CHAIN PRIORITY AREA The Ex-ante project questionnaire one single questionnaire for each project proposal few questions, simple and fast to compile guided online compilation trough web interface the project proposers specify to which S3 specialization area the project contributes and what technologies are used in order to realize the intended innovation
GENERAL COMPANY DATA NACE code Human Resources INNOVATION CAPABILITY Turnover R&D expenditure Innovation Patenting Certifications Public funding NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION The Ex-ante questionnaire for applicants one questionnaire for each member of the project consortium the questions explore different areas of innovative behaviour
GENERAL COMPANY DATA NACE code Human Resources INNOVATION CAPABILITY Turnover R&D expenditure Innovation Patenting Certifications Public funding NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION The Ex-post questionnaire for beneficiaries one questionnaire for each member of the project consortium the same typology of information collected at submission time is evaluated at project conclusion additional questions related to: impact of the project on the organization appraisal of the regional policies future perspectives
HUMAN RESOURCES Trained/involved researchers Contract typologies used INNOVATION RESULTS Innovations Environmental innovations IPR Certifications NETWORKING AND COLLABORATIONS New projects Partners involved The Ex-post project questionnaire one single questionnaire for each project proposal compiled at project conclusion the project proposers describe the kind and extent of outputs and results produced by the project
Assuring an effective institutional framework
An effective and efficient synergy and communication must be realized among all the institutions that contribute to define, plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the public policy intervention of interest: The policy makers The intermediate bodies who manage the policies implementation The monitoring and evaluation body The external bodies providing data, surveys and analyses
ARTI – Agenzia Regionale Tecnologia e Innovazione
Thanks! Giuseppe Creanza ARTI – Agenzia Regionale Tecnologia e Innovazione Via Giulio Petroni 15/F Bari – Italy Tel Mob Skype creanza.arti This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the NETIM partnership and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures.
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