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Ûiba Ôas Crystals Market

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1 Ûiba Ôas Crystals Market
We welcome visitors at Ûiba Ôas Crystals Market, which is conveniently located just outside Usakos, next to the main B2 highway on the route from Windhoek to Swakopmund. The market is open every day from 8:00 until 17:00. As a convenience for our visitors, we have sparkling-clean toilet and washing facilities available! Ûiba Ôas Crystals Market To Discuss Our Crystals and Your Specific Needs, Please Contact Diana Maletzky Ûiba Ôas Small-Scale Miners’ Co-op +264 (0) Intersection of B2 and Henties Bay Road (D1918), 24km south of Usakos P.O. Box 208; Usakos We can customize a visit for you or your tour group, showcasing specific stones or price ranges. We can also offer traditional Damara dance and music performances and donkey-cart photo opportunities and rides. If your tour group would like to try learning a few words of Damara – a language that includes clicking and popping sounds not used in European and Asian languages – we can arrange that as well. We love our culture and appreciate the opportunity to share our joy in Namibia’s rich heritage with others. Traditionally-sourced semi-precious stones and crystals from Namibia supported by

2 Ûiba Ôas Crystals Market reflects a tradition, more than a century old, of small-scale mining in Namibia’s Erongo region and throughout the country. Many of the people you meet at the market today remember their grandparents setting out for Spitzkoppe, the majestic peak you can see from the market location, with hammers and chisels to search for aquamarines, amethysts, quartz and other stones. Most of the people you meet at the market today have done some mining themselves, and almost all currently have relatives working on Klein Spitzkoppe or nearby to bring back the beautiful stones available for sale here. Schorl, or BLACK TOURMALINE, is considered a purifying stone that disperses and transforms negative energy, offering protective benefits. The ancient Greeks believed AMETHYSTS could prevent drunkenness – the name means ‘not intoxicated’ in Greek. Some people today claim amethyst is a calming and meditative stone that helps reduce compulsive behaviour. SILVER TOPAZ not only looks wonderful; it’s also said to support creativity and individuality, replacing negativity with love and joy. CLEAR QUARTZ is said to be an energizing crystal that promotes clarity in thinking and awareness. AQUAMARINE is said to help bring closure to unresolved issues. Its meditative qualities are of use especially for sensitive people looking to gain confidence.   Thanks to the support of the Namibian government and many others, our market has expanded to include comfortable and attractive sales stalls, and many of our miners today work with safety equipment, drills and other modern tools that would amaze their grandparents. Mining remains difficult and dangerous work – but it’s in our blood, and we love to share this natural beauty with you. The stones and crystals you see here are certainly beautiful. For millennia, many people have believed that crystals have spiritual qualities as well as aesthetic beauty. We cannot guarantee that, but we’ve included some of the folk beliefs for your information. The lovely SMOKY QUARTZ you see here may help disperse blocked energy, facilitating mental grounding and centering, and enhancing awareness and even dreams. Love, friendship and peace are associated with ROSE QUARTZ. This beautiful pink stone not only polishes beautifully, it may also help create harmony in relationships and open up the heart.

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