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Planning Research Outputs from your PhD

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1 Planning Research Outputs from your PhD
“Keeping your supervisor(s) happy!” 23 June 2014

2 Dr Michael O’Sullivan Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering Science University of Auckland alumni BSc (1st Class Hons) in Maths & CS MPhil (Dist) in Operations Research (OR) Stanford University alumni MS (Eng Eco Systems & OR) PhD (Man Sci and Eng) Research/consulting in Computational Analytics for Health, Cloud Computing, Water Resources Planning, Finance

3 PhD Timeline Approx. 3 years
Approx. 1 year = getting to grips with the literature, understanding the research “gaps”, preparing your proposal Approx. 18 months = core research Approx. 6 months = writing up

4 Publication* Timeline
Approx. 3 years = 3 journal articles Approx. 15 months = survey paper Approx. 1 year = initial model(s)/ experiment(s) and findings Approx. 6 months = final model(s)/ experiment(s) and findings Write-up only! * Publication = research output = RO

5 Conference(s) & Travel
PhD Field trip and present at international conference(s) Present at regional conference Present at international conference Attend local/ regional conference ROs

6 Research Outputs ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference
Field trip and present at international conference(s) Present at regional conference Present at international conference ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference

7 What are supervisors looking for? (1/5)
“High impact” research Journal article > Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings Conference Publication > Conference Publication > Conference Presentation > Conference Poster > Technical Report

8 What are supervisors looking for? (2/5)
“High impact” research Journal articles

9 What are supervisors looking for? (3/5)
“High impact” research Journal articles

10 What are supervisors looking for? (4/5)
“High impact” research Journal articles

11 What are supervisors looking for? (5/5)
“High impact” research e.g., Computer Science Journal vs Conference

12 Research Outputs ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference
Field trip and present at international conference(s) Present at regional conference Present at international conference ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference

13 Research/Publication Plan
Literature review = survey paper (conference and/or journal) Initial (promising) research + preliminary results = conference paper Initial research + complete results = journal article Extended research + preliminary results = conference paper Extended research + complete results = journal article Finalised case study/studies + research methods + analysis = high impact journal article

14 Research Outputs ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference
“Pre-emptive strike” on potential reviewers Identify valuable collaborators Field trip and present at international conference(s) Present at regional conference Present at international conference ROs 3 x journal, 3+ conference

15 Plan Ahead * JIF = Journal Impact Factor
Research plan should include publication targets Which conferences/journals and when? Fall-back plan (high to low JIF*) Submission deadlines What aspect/part of the research into which journal Start phases of research with ROs in mind Systematic literature review is easier to publish Methodology, Experimental Design, Data/Statistical Analysis The research questions are formulated based on PICO framework (Borrego et al., 2014) * JIF = Journal Impact Factor

16 Take the Initiative Take ownership Manage your supervisor time
Manage your PhD Document your work Plan/timetable is tight, you must “drive” the project Remember the big picture Fundamental research questions Fit within research programme Manage your supervisor time You get 1 hour every 1/2/4 weeks Don’t ask “what should I do next?” Come to meetings with a plan for the next week/month/6 months Identify problems AND possible solutions

17 Best of Luck!

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