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Welcome to Year 3 Curriculum evening
Tuesday 22nd March 3.30pm – 6pm Welcome to Year 3 Curriculum evening Handouts you will need: Copy of these slides Reading content domain questions Spelling list Reading book list KIRFS – in case you haven’t sent them out Anything else you think will be valuable I am talented... Together we are amazing!
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Objectives To outline the main changes to the new primary curriculum. To provide you with a greater understanding of how English and Maths are taught at Haydonleigh. To provide parents with ideas and activities that they can use to support their child at home. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Mastery in the New Curriculum
“fewer things in greater depth” “ the National Curriculum should focus on ‘fewer things in greater depth’, in secure learning which persists, rather than relentless, over-rapid progression…” I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Mastery in the New Curriculum
The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. When to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Mastery in the New Curriculum
Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those pupils who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Key objectives from the new national curriculum
Maths Key objectives from the new national curriculum Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 Find 10 or 100 more or less than any given number Recognise the place value of each digit in a three digit number Solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas Fill in with your year group key objectives. Please focus on number. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Maths continued Add and subtract mentally 3 digit plus ones, tens and hundreds. Recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for three, four and eight times tables. Writes and calculates mathematical statements for multiplication and division including TOnes X Ones (using mental and progressing to formal written methods) I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Resources Just discuss some key resources you use in your group. Give parents copies if appropriate e.g. hundreds square I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Your turn… = I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Addition I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Subtraction I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Subtraction I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Subtraction I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Your turn 672 – 355 = I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Subtraction I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Subtraction I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Multiplication I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Multiplication I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Your turn 54 x 8 = I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Multiplication I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Multiplication I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Division I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Division I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Division I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Your turn 112 ÷ 8 = I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Importance of times tables
Discuss the new KS2 times table test please – up to 12 x 12 – timed test on a computer At KS1 – knowing 6 x 5 and 5 x 6 (which ones are in your year group). I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Things to support your child at home
Times tables Support with learning maths passport targets Support with learning KIRFS Playing maths games Discussing maths in the real world e.g. when out shopping Telling the time If parents ask about passports and how they line up with the new curriculum please say that we are looking at them again I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
English Extending the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although Using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense (E.G. I have had a lovely time.) Proof read to check for spelling and punctuation errors Add your own year group key objectives please. Focus on SPAG and lots of SPELLING! I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
English continued Using commas after fronted adverbials Indicating possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns Using and punctuating direct speech Learning and understanding spelling rules and patterns and being able to apply rules Organising paragraphs around a theme I am talented. Together we are amazing.
How is reading taught at Haydonleigh?
Weekly guided reading session with an adult Structured comprehension questions to assess their understanding of the text Independent follow up work Reading question prompts, contain domain questions as a hand out, use own content domain posters as prompts please I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Reading continued… Develops a positive attitude to reading and understanding of what they have read by… Listening and discussing a variety of texts Using dictionaries Identifying themes and conventions Drawing inferences and predicting what will happen I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Importance of reading age appropriate texts
KS2 need to be told that children must be reading regularly and finishing ARE books to pass the year 6 curriculum now! Please put pictures of ARE texts on this slides – use Somerset literacy heritage reading list print out I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
SPAG terminology Take the objectives from the KPI’s or interim framework and discuss / hand out vocab for parents / How it is taught Use vocab from previous year group as well as your own please. Add anything else you feel is appropriate. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
SPAG terminology Take the objectives from the KPI’s or interim framework and discuss / hand out vocab for parents / How it is taught Use vocab from previous year group as well as your own please. Add anything else you feel is appropriate. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
How is spelling taught at Haydonleigh?
Weekly spellings Taught spelling lessons Resources available in class Hand out word lists refer parents to any resources I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Your turn big bigger biggest tiny tinier tiniest smart smarter smartest thin thinner thinnest noisy noisier noisiest safe safer safest What do you notice? How could we sort them? Where would you put important and beautiful? I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Writing Examples of year 3 writing Show some example pieces of work for your year group so that parents can see what is expected. Please make sure any work you show is anonymous please. Year 2 and Year 6 to use exemplars. Discuss the writing objectives that the children need to meet. Pick out the most important ones for your year group please with an emphasis on sentence structure please. I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Things you can do to help your child at home
Reading – visit the library, share stories, model reading and discuss books, ask comprehension questions when listening to your child read, follow instructions to make things Spelling – Practise your spellings in a variety of ways, including sentences, computer games, look at rules – discussions, correct when you see errors, I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Annual Reporting In annual reports, we will be using the following statements to assess and report each child's progress against age-related expectations: Your child is currently working below the age related expectations. Your child is currently working at the age related expectations. Your child is working at greater depth within the age related expectations I am talented. Together we are amazing.
I am talented. Together we are amazing.
Thank you for coming! I am talented. Together we are amazing.
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