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Bobcat Bond New Mentor Orientation Fall 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Bobcat Bond New Mentor Orientation Fall 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bobcat Bond New Mentor Orientation Fall 2017

2 Mission The program's mission is to increase the retention of students by providing second year and transfer students opportunities to learn from mentors who serve as coaches, role models, advisors, guides and referral agents.

3 What is Bobcat Bond? Program that provides a relationship that helps an individual to grow and develop. Bobcat Bond encourages student engagement. It provides a support base and a sounding board for mentees. It helps students navigate the campus that can be overwhelming.

4 Mentoring Examples

5 Mentoring Examples

6 Mentoring Examples

7 Mentoring Examples

8 Mentoring Examples

9 Benefits for Mentees Helps them feel connected & confident
Provides role models Someone who knows how to find the campus resources they need Increased engagement, a higher GPA, and increased retention Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences Someone who knows what it takes to be a successful student Can begin to develop their career development plan Someone they can talk to about academic and/or personal issues

10 Mentee’s Responsibilities
Regularly contact you and keep you updated on progress You’re investing in them! Explain expectations and what they want out of the program Participate in Bobcat Bond Program activities Make honest effort to succeed

11 Your Expectations?

12 Benefits for Mentors Connects you with students more directly
Helps you understand problems/issues from the mentees’ point of view Feel needed/valued and are retained The chance to make a difference in someone’s life Encourages effective and open communication

13 Your Responsibilities
Commit to the program and your mentee(s) Meet regularly at times agreed upon Communicate regularly through , Facebook, text messages Participate in Bobcat Bond Program activities Be a resource and provide positive reinforcement for students Help connect students to people and resources

14 Things To Do Attend Bobcat Bond activities together
Mid-Term Relaxer End of the Year Awards Ceremony Weekly connections (face-to-face, phone, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging) Coffee/Breakfast/Lunch Attend student organized activities together Brilliant Bobcats Workshops Attend athletic and/or cultural events Football, Volleyball, Soccer games Attend a speaker event together (Common Experience, etc.) Attend job/housing fairs

15 Typical Mentee Concerns
New town, new people – friends & connections Academic success Adjusting to college (home sickness) Finances Opportunities (Jobs, involvement on campus) New found responsibilities “My first F!” Questions about major First time living off campus/roommate issues/apartment troubles Time management skills/sleeping habits Crisis management DEADLINES DEADLINES DEADLINES!

16 Resources for Students
Attorney for Students Student LBJSC Career Services Counseling Center Student Health Center Office of Student Diversity & Inclusion Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Student Learning Assistance Center Campus Recreation Writing Center Planning, Assessment, Leadership, & Marketing Office in LBJ Student Center

17 Tips Find common interests – break the ice!
Be actively involved in discussions with your mentee Collaborate on goals for your relationship Get specific! See in what specific ways you can help your mentee Be yourself! The only way to get them to open up is if you show them who you are Be open & honest HAVE FUN!


19 Terence Parker or Alex Patlan
Bobcat Bond Contacts Terence Parker or Alex Patlan Bobcat Bond Staff

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