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Warm-Up #1 In your opinion, do you think the events of America’s ugly past were necessary to make it what it is today? Do the ends justify the means?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up #1 In your opinion, do you think the events of America’s ugly past were necessary to make it what it is today? Do the ends justify the means?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up #1 In your opinion, do you think the events of America’s ugly past were necessary to make it what it is today? Do the ends justify the means?

2 The Founding of a Nation
FLT: I will be able to evaluate the founding of America, from Jamestown to the Triangular Trade

3 Background (Think-Pair-Share)
What country did the settlers come from who settled in the eastern part of North America? How many original colonies were there? What were some of the reasons that these settlers came to North America?


5 Jamestown (America’s first colony)
Founded in 1607 in Virginia Colonists from England – England expanding territory and resources Motivated by opportunity and getting rich First group of settlers was not prepared and many died from disease and starvation



8 Jamestown, Virginia (1607)

9 Video – Life in Jamestown
6UoBoiuc Some valuable resources to the settlers in North America were _____ The survival rate for the early settlers was about ________ The colonists left home (England) to settle in Jamestown in order to _____

10 Plymouth Colony Founded in 1620 in Massachusetts
Made of religious group called the Puritans (pilgrims) They were seeking religious freedom in a new land


12 Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts (1620)

13 Think-Pair-Share Compare and Contrast Jamestown with the Plymouth Colony. Jamestown was similar to the Plymouth Colony in that _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________. Jamestown was different from the Plymouth Colony in that _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________.

14 Mercantilism the economic theory that trade generates wealth
1. Mercantilism - belief in the benefits of profitable trading the economic theory that trade generates wealth

15 Triangular Trade

16 Triangular Trade The Middle Passage

17 The Middle Passage

18 The Middle Passage

19 The Middle Passage

20 The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789)
Read and annotate the excerpt from Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography Answer the Reflection Questions on the back afterwards

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