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Assignment #5: The Legacy of the Reformation Lecture

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1 Assignment #5: The Legacy of the Reformation Lecture
BIG PICTURE QUESTION: HOW DID THE REFORMATION BECOME POLITICAL? WHY IS THE REFORMATION AN IMPORTANT INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION? This is your first World History lecture! Yay. HOW SHOULD I TAKE NOTES? Lectures in World History are always for the purpose of reinforcing key ideas in response to a big picture question. Take notes in your lecture skeleton. The big ideas have been provided for you. Some slides ask you to write and speak.

2 Respond to the following question in writing:
How and Why did Martin Luther start an Intellectual Revolution?

3 The Reformation and Religion: Look at the following map
DISCUSS: How might the Reformation challenge the religious future of Europe? The World?

4 European Religions By 1650

5 We know the Reformation is religious….but is it political too?
Discuss: In what ways was the Reformation a challenge to the power structure of the time?

6 Reformation Unintentionally Leads to Violence in Germany
Prince “Frederick the Wise” and many other northern German princes convert to Lutheranism and shelter Luther Peasant Revolt begins in 1524 as many poor Germans apply Luther’s ideas of religious freedom to their desire for social freedom. German princes (with support of Luther) crush revolt killing tens of thousands. SIGNIFICANCE: POOR PEOPLE IN SOCIETY SEE LUTHER’S INDIVIDUAL STAND AGAINST AUTHORITY AND ARE INSPIRED TO DO THE SAME. (Luther doesn’t agree with their cause).

7 Protestantism good for business? German princes challenge authority….
Protestant German princes vs emperor Charles V - Europe falls into religious & social turmoil for decades. 1555 Peace of Augsburg agreement ends violence in Germany, but Protestant ideas spread across Europe and the world.

8 OK….so the Reformation was religious and political….
But one monarch will use the Reformation to improve his love life….(and gain some power and money at the same time) Wait…What??

9 King Henry VIII spreads the Reformation to England
Henry wants to challenge authority of the Catholic Church for personal, not religious reasons

10 Henry VIII’s complex personal life & desire for power (not religion) motivates his conversion to Protestantism 1533 2nd Wife no son 1536 beheaded 1540 Divorces 4th Wife 1537-Finally gets a son! She dies in child birth 1st Wife no son 1527 Wants a divorce 1542 Beheaded

11 Henry VIII Establishes Anglican Church (1529)
Parliament makes King (not Pope) head of England’s (Anglican) Church Divorce is legalized Henry takes over all Catholic Church property in England Each of his 3 children rule (Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth) under religious turmoil Religious peace returns to England under Elizabeth I (rules: )

12 Legacies of the Reformation
Protestant Churches flourish and one religion NO longer unites Western Europe (ex: Calvinists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalian, Baptists) Monarchs gain power and Church loses power Kings seize land, money and power once held by the Church The political power of Roman Church was greatly reduced Catholic “Counter-Reformation” Sale of Indulgences is banned Missionaries to convert more Catholics in the Americas and Asia Inquisition uses violence to punish threats to church’s authority Council of Trent discusses reforms and agrees on many new doctrines.

13 RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING: So, WHY is all this an “intellectual revolution”? How might it inspire other “intellectual revolutions” that are not religious in nature?

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