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Risk Management DIA Working Group 22 May 2017.

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1 Risk Management DIA Working Group 22 May 2017

2 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
Project Management ISO 21500 Project phases Risk Management What is a risk? Sources of risks in studies Risk life cycle Risk management – FMEA approach Discussion Next steps 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

3 Project Management ISO 21500
Initiating Define scope based on the RFP Project assumptions Feasibility Planning Proposal & Budget Resources PM assignment Project Core Team Project baseline Implementing Critical path Project-specific Plans Project team & training Project Set-up Controlling * Controlling project execution from SIVs to TMF archiving Closing * Contract review * Formal acceptance of deliverables by Sponsor * Admin & financial closure, 3rd parties’ contract end * Archiving of legal docs * Evaluation & lessons learnt * PM release 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

4 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

5 What Is a Risk? A risk is any uncertain event that, if occurs, may prevent the project realising the stakeholders’ expectations as stated in the agreed business case of project definition. PROJECT SCHEDULE Contains inherent unknowns If not resolved, impact the schedule and/or outcomes Occur to become RISKS ISSUES 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

6 Do not confuse with risks!
Constraints Do not confuse with risks! Constraints are those things that are imposed on the project, knowingly or unknowingly, that you cannot control and have to live with them throughout the life of the project or work around them to achieve your objectives. Risk Constraint 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

7 Clinical Study & Risk-Based Thinking
& milestones TIMELINES What can go wrong and cause the study to fail? RISKS SCOPE BUDGET What do we need to do in order to succeed? RISK MANAGEMENT Enrollment target Participants’ Safety Data quality Study integrity Site Data Patient What I do to make it happen …

8 Sources of Risks in Studies
Sponsor Protocol ICF Data Capture System Geography Vendors Technologies Sites Patients Therapeutic area IMP 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

9 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
Risk Life Cycle Identify Analyse Assess Treat Monitor & Review 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

10 Risk Management Process
Identify risks AVOIDANCE -> Revise strategy Monitor action & contingency plans Decide primary response strategy TRANSFER to 3rd parties FMEA Form RESIDUAL RISKS For critical & major by default, for minor as needed Derive mitigation plans Assess impact, probability & detectability Major Moderate Minor Assign responsibility for each risk Categorise risks 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

11 What could go wrong in my AoR at any time during this project?
Risk Identification Team brainstorming; Key stakeholders’ engagement; Customer involvement; Checklists from past projects. What could go wrong in my AoR at any time during this project? CONSENSUS AoR = Area of Responsibility Core Team Meeting 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

12 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
Risk Priority Number RPN RPN Detection Probability Impact Example Impact: Major Probability: Possible Detection: Controls not failsafe 2 RPN: 4*3*2 = 24 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

13 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
FMEA Form Get agreement of stakeholders on risk acceptance & mitigation approach for each identified risk! 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

14 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

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22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

16 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
Next Steps 22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

17 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management
22 May 2017 DIA GCP R2 Risk Management

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