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Commercial Vessel Practice Test B

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1 Commercial Vessel Practice Test B
A pass is required in each section as below Vessel Management 100% to pass Pilotage The Collision Regulations Identification & signalling Watchkeeping principles IALA Buoyage System A Part A General Part C Lights & dayshapes Risk Management Navigational warnings Part B Sect 1-2 In any visibility, In sight. Part D Sound & light signals Environmental precautions Port regulations Part B Sect 3 In restricted visibility Annex IV Distress signalling Type your name in the box below CLICK HERE TO START PRACTICE TEST A

2 SOLAS is the first concern of all mariners, being:
Section 1. Question 1 SOLAS is the first concern of all mariners, being: Safety Of Life At Sea. Securing Our Land And Sovereignty. Serving Officers Like A Slave EXIT OR START OVER

3 Section 1. Question 2 The Rules apply to: Commercial vessels only.
All vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected. Power vessels only. EXIT OR START OVER

4 Section 1. Question 3 The SMS procedures manual must be available at:
At all relevant work stations. In the company office. In the wheelhouse and engine room. EXIT OR START OVER

5 A lookout shall be kept:
Section 1. Question 4 A lookout shall be kept: By all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances. By radar watch. By radio watch. EXIT OR START OVER

6 Section 1. Question 5 If your vessel recovers only slowly from a heel on turns to starboard, you should: Speed up or turn starboard. Ignore this transverse thrust effect caused by a right hand prop. Check your loading condition and transverse stability. EXIT OR START OVER

7 For environmental reasons, where should you avoid anchoring your boat?
Section 1. Question 6 For environmental reasons, where should you avoid anchoring your boat? On sand. On reefs. In mud. EXIT OR START OVER

8 Section 1. Question 7 Lifejackets must be worn on domestic commercial passenger vessels when: In conditions of heightened risk. At all times. At sea. EXIT OR START OVER

9 A way to minimise the impact of pollution on the environment is by:
Section 1. Question 8 A way to minimise the impact of pollution on the environment is by: Storing pollutants and garbage for disposal ashore on return. Diluting bilge water with detergent before pumping overboard. Weighting garbage to ensure that it sinks. EXIT OR START OVER

10 The blood alcohol limit for a commercial vessel operator is ?
Section 1. Question 9 The blood alcohol limit for a commercial vessel operator is ? 0.05 Nil 0.02 EXIT OR START OVER

11 To minimize the chance of a fire during refuelling?
Section 1. Question 10 To minimize the chance of a fire during refuelling? Extinguishers must be stowed below decks. Electrical earths must be connected. Fire detectors must be activated. EXIT OR START OVER

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13 You have passed Section 1.
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14 Section 2. 10 correct answers to 10 questions are required to pass this Section Pilotage 100% to pass IALA Buoyage System A Navigational warnings Port regulations CLICK HERE TO START SECTION 2.

15 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the green buoy (IALA System A):
Section 2. Question 1 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the green buoy (IALA System A): HARBOUR True False SEA EXIT OR START OVER

16 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the cardinal marker:
Section 2. Question 2 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the cardinal marker: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST True False EXIT OR START OVER

17 The vessel is in the safe water:
Section 2. Question 3 The vessel is in the safe water: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST True False EXIT OR START OVER

18 The vessel is in the safe water:
Section 2. Question 4 The vessel is in the safe water: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST True False EXIT OR START OVER

19 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the buoy (IALA System A):
Section 2. Question 5 The arrow shows the safe side to pass the buoy (IALA System A): True SEA False HARBOUR EXIT OR START OVER

20 The arrow shows the safe side to pass:
Section 2. Question 6 The arrow shows the safe side to pass: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST True False EXIT OR START OVER

21 The arrow shows the preferred channel to the harbour. (IALA System A):
Section 2. Question 7 The arrow shows the preferred channel to the harbour. (IALA System A): True HARBOUR False SEA EXIT OR START OVER

22 away from a person in the water?
Section 2. Question 8 When driving at over 10 knots in NSW, what is the minimum distance to stay away from a person in the water? 200 metres. 30 metres. 60 metres. EXIT OR START OVER

23 Information about Pilotage requirements is best accessed from:
Section 2. Question 9 Information about Pilotage requirements is best accessed from: The port authority, its legislation or official sailing directions. Local knowledge from persons on the wharf. The official tourist information bureau. EXIT OR START OVER

24 Section 2. Question 10 In tidal situations when meeting at a restricted channel, which vessel is best able to give way ? The vessel stemming the current. The vessel navigating with the current. The smaller most current affected vessel. EXIT OR START OVER

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26 You have passed Section 2.
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27 The Collision Regulations
Section 3. 10 correct answers to 10 questions are required to pass this Section The Collision Regulations 100% to pass Part A General Part B Sect 1-2 In any visibility. In sight. Part B Sect 3 In restricted visibility CLICK HERE TO START SECTION 3.

28 Section 3. Question 1 Who gives way in the blue and the yellow power vessel crossing situation? The yellow vessel. The blue vessel. The faster vessel. EXIT OR START OVER

29 Complying with the rules is the responsibility of:
Section 3. Question 2 Complying with the rules is the responsibility of: Company’s legal officer. The owner, master or crew. Those persons who are in charge. EXIT OR START OVER

30 A vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuvre is :
Section 3. Question 3 A vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuvre is : A vessel which from the nature of her work is unable to manoeuvre as required. A vessel whose draught in relation to the available navigable water severely restricts in her ability to deviate from her course. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required. EXIT OR START OVER

31 A power driven vessel means:
Section 3. Question 4 A power driven vessel means: Vessels fitted with engines. Any vessel propelled by machinery. All vessels except yachts. EXIT OR START OVER

32 Section 3. Question 5 In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those taken into account : The length of the voyage. The power of the auxiliary machinery. At night the presence of background light. EXIT OR START OVER

33 Any action to avoid collision shall :
Section 3. Question 6 Any action to avoid collision shall : Be an alteration of speed alone to avoid a close quarters situation. Be a succession of small alterations of course and/or speed. Be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship. EXIT OR START OVER

34 When crossing a traffic separation zone a vessel shall:
Section 3. Question 7 When crossing a traffic separation zone a vessel shall: As nearly as practicable cross at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow. As nearly as practicable cross at the smallest angle to the general direction of traffic flow. Not cross a traffic separation zone as it is not permitted. EXIT OR START OVER

35 To indicate that you are turning to starboard you :
Section 3. Question 8 To indicate that you are turning to starboard you : Sound one prolonged blast. Sound one short blast. Sound two short blasts. EXIT OR START OVER

36 Section 3. Question 9 When a sailing vessel and a power vessel meet in a crossing situation:: The sailing vessel gives way. The power vessel gives way. The vessel to port gives way. EXIT OR START OVER

37 Section 3. Question 10 Rule 19, Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility, applies: When navigating only from dusk to dawn. When navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. When navigating in an area of restricted visibility. EXIT OR START OVER

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39 You have passed Section 3.
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40 Identification & signalling
Section 4. 10 correct answers to 10 questions are required to pass this Section Identification & signalling 100% to pass Part C Lights & dayshapes Part D Sound & light signals Annex IV Distress signalling CLICK HERE TO START SECTION 3.

41 Section 4. Question 1 The vessel is in: Distress. Propulsion mode.

42 The vessel shown displays the shapes for a vessel:
Section 4. Question 2 The vessel shown displays the shapes for a vessel: Not under command. Fishing. Anchored EXIT OR START OVER

43 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel:
Section 4. Question 3 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel: Restricted in ability to manoeuvre. x Not under command. Indicating a blocked channel. EXIT OR START OVER

44 The vessel shown displays the lights for:
Section 4. Question 4 The vessel shown displays the lights for: Nets are fast. Hauling nets. Shooting nets. EXIT OR START OVER

45 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel:
Section 4. Question 5 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel: Fishing. Not under command. On pilotage duty. EXIT OR START OVER

46 The vessel shown displays the lights for a:
Section 4. Question 6 The vessel shown displays the lights for a: Trawling. Dredging. Fishing. EXIT OR START OVER

47 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel:
Section 4. Question 7 The vessel shown displays the lights for a vessel: Not under way. Towing. Aground. EXIT OR START OVER

48 The sound signal while in sight means that the vessel is:
Section 4. Question 8 The sound signal while in sight means that the vessel is: ●●● Operating astern propulsion. Three short blasts Turning to starboard. Turning to port. EXIT OR START OVER

49 The sound signal while in sight means that the vessel is:
Section 4. Question 9 The sound signal while in sight means that the vessel is: Overtaking on the starboard side. Two prolonged, one short Overtaking on the port side. Agrees to be overtaken. EXIT OR START OVER

50 One prolonged, two short
Section 4. Question 10 The sound signal while in restricted visibility means that the vessel is: Warning of position. One prolonged, two short Underway making way. A lame duck. EXIT OR START OVER

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52 You have passed Section 4.
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