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II. Government of East Asia

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1 II. Government of East Asia

2 2008 Chinese Olympic Team

3 A. China’s Government China – Has been ruled by the Communist Party for over 50 years Deng Xiaoping – Became the leader of China following the death of Mao Opened trade with other countries and established ties with the United States

4 B. Communist Party Deng refused to give up control of society
Atheism – Belief that no god exists Official policy of the Communist party Chinese government allows only churches that support the party to exist

5 Shanghai Today

6 C. Fight Over Human Rights
Human Rights – Rights that all people should enjoy just because they have been born “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” China has refused to grant their citizens many human rights

7 Call for Democracy

8 D. Tiananmen Square 1000s of college kids protested against the government and called for democracy Tiananmen Square – Located in Beijing, China Government refused to allow the protestors to peacefully express their beliefs


10 One Man Stands Up for Freedom

11 Government ended the protests by using force
Military killed 100s of protestors and wounded 1000s

12 E. Japan’s Government Douglas MacArthur – American general who helped set up a constitutional monarchy Diet – Japan’s parliament Emperor’s serves as a symbol of Japanese government Government is very similar to what we have in U.S.A.

13 F. North and South Korea Korea was once a single country
It was divided up after World War II North Korea – Communist country set up by the Soviet Union South Korea – Democratic country set up by the United States


15 Forgotten War?

16 2000 – North and South Korea began talks about possibly becoming a single country again
Axis of Evil – North Korea has recently developed nuclear weapons

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