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Jewish Beliefs & Texts.

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Presentation on theme: "Jewish Beliefs & Texts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewish Beliefs & Texts

2 Define Monotheism: The belief in only one god Torah:
Most sacred Jewish text (Old Testament) Synagogue: Jewish house of worship

3 Define Prophets: People who are said to receive messages from God to be taught to others Talmud: Set of commentaries, stories, and folklore produced between 200 & 600 AD Dead Sea Scrolls: Writing by Jews who lived 2,000 years ago

4 Jewish beliefs Central beliefs of Judaism: God Education Justice
Obedience Judaism may be: The world’s first monotheistic religion

5 Belief in one God Jewish name for God: Yahweh Jews believed that God:
Guided their history through Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets

6 Education Ancient Jewish boys:
Studied with professional teacher to learn their religion Jews are expected to give aid: To the poor Sick orphans

7 Laws Most important Jewish laws: Ten Commandments Mosaic Laws:
The system of laws handed down by Yahweh Written By: Moses

8 Laws Mosaic law forbids: Working on holidays Working on the Sabbath
The 7th day of the week when God rested after creating the universe (Saturday)

9 Food Jews can not eat: Pork or shellfish Kosher:
Meat that has been killed & prepared in a way acceptable by Jews

10 Types of Jews Three largest types of Judaism:
Orthodox- Strictly follow Mosaic Law Reform Jews- Do not follow many ancient laws Conservative Jews- In the middle

11 Hebrew Text Torah includes:
A history of the Jews until the death of Moses (first 5 books) Readers of the Torah use: Special pointers called a yad

12 Hebrew Text Three part of the Hebrew bible: 1. The Torah
2. Messages of the Hebrew prophets 3. 11 Books of poetry, songs, stories, lessons, and history

13 Other Writings Talmud explains:
Hard to understand laws & stories from the Hebrew Bible Considered second only to: The Hebrew Bible

14 Other Writings Dead Sea Scrolls were found:
1947 by young boys looking in a cave The Scrolls included: Prayers Commentaries Letters Passages from the Hebrew Bible

15 Later Cultures Judaism influenced: 1. Christianity 2. Islam

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