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By the end of the class you should understand

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1 By the end of the class you should understand
Isolationism Unilateralism Multilateralism Supranationalism Why nations become involved in internationalism Internationalism

2 Should internationalism be pursued?
RELATED ISSUE 3 Social 20-1 Should internationalism be pursued?

3 The World is Shrinking…


5 Nations Nations and nation-states are made up of PEOPLE
Therefore, it is natural for nations to somewhat pursue things the same way that people do, along a hierarchy of needs Successful nation-states look to satisfy the NEEDS of their people

6 1) Get out a piece of paper
2) Write a reason as to why a nation might become involved in internationalism on the board 3) Be ready to share an understanding of what internationalism is

7 Why nations become involved in Internationalism
Satisfy peoples needs: Economic Peace + Security Self-Determination Humanitarianism As we go through each of these, ensure you have an understanding of what each is, and how it relates to internationalism

8 Economic Stability Well being of nations’ people to support and take care of themselves Employment Nation-states attempt to provide their economies with the best, most qualified workforce Nations take long-term and short-term plans to ensure economic stability

9 Peace and Security Nation-states wish to provide their citizens with safety Go to work, school, have freedoms Sense of national safety and security If the people are insecure, they are likely to oppose the government Security of the person Insecurity hurts the economy Promotion of security International Organizations, NATO, UN etc.

10 Self-Determination Like people, nations and nation-states have a desire to be in control of their fate Self-determination and Sovereignty Collapse of Soviet Union Indigenous Peoples Self-Government Recognition within a larger nation-state

11 Humanitarianism Actions to assist and relieve suffering and the innocent in the world Natural Disasters Disease War/Conflict Aid Money and Supplies Accepting Refugees

12 Issues that are too big for any one country to tackle:

13 Climate Change

14 Spread of diseases Flus, Ebola

15 Water Canada has approximately 20% of the world’s freshwater, but only 0.05% of the world’s population

16 Poverty A lack of basic human needs Caused by a lack of education

17 Hunger

18 Debt

19 Human Rights

20 How do nation states respond
Isolationism Unilateralism Multilateralism Supranationalism Internationalism

21 How Do Nation-States Respond to the World?
Isolationism Complete opting out of participation in international affairs Examples: Feudal Japan Modern Day North Korea Switzerland- remaining neutral during World Wars Unilateralism Responding to events on their own Sometimes going against the wishes of the international community The United States – the Bush doctrine - Iraq

22 How Do Nation-States Respond to the World?
Multilateralism Several Countries working together on an issue Typically the approach of middle powers, increases their influence on issues when working in numbers UN, WTO Supranationalism Agreeing to abide by the decisions of an international organization of independent officials European Union – the Euro

23 What issues are countries responding to
With a partner, come up with an issue the global community attempts to solve

24 I can… Explain what internationalism is
Explain why nations become involved in internationalism Explain how nations respond to internationalism How they stay out of it (isolationism, unilateralism) How they get involved ( multilateralism and superlaterialism) Explain the difference between multilateralism and superlaterialism

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