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Careers in Biomedical Technology Objective 1

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1 Careers in Biomedical Technology Objective 1
Laboratory Careers & Science

2 Part 1 Laboratory Science
In the field of laboratory science the major careers are: Pathologist Medical Technologist Phlebotomist

3 Pathologist To be a pathologist you must complete
medical school and additional pathology only focused training. Pathologists frequently determine cause of death; they also study specimens of body tissues, fluids and secretions to diagnose disease and act as consultants to other physicians.

4 Pathologists provide overall management
This is a photomicrograph of squamous cancer as seen on a Pap test. Pathologists provide overall management of the Department of Pathology, and maintain a strict system of quality control and quality assurance throughout the department.

5 Pathologists also perform fine needle
aspirations, and provide surgical assistance by performing rapid tissue ("frozen section") examination and diagnosis while the patient is in surgery.

6 Medical Technologist The entry level requirement to be a medical technologist is a Bachelor’s degree. They can perform laboratory tests, analyze the results and make independent judgment calls.

7 Did you know that a Medical Technologist can also be called a ….
Clinical Laboratory Scientist

8 Did you know? Medical Laboratory Technician is a is another type of career laboratory.

9 Medical Laboratory Technician
The entry level requirement to be a medical laboratory technician is an associates degree. They performs tissue slides, performs simple blood tests, cell counts and urinalysis. A medical laboratory technician works under the supervision of a medical technologist / clinical laboratory scientist.

10 Medical Laboratory Technologist
Salary Range: $37, $56,000.00 Medical Laboratory Technician Salary Range: $27, $40,000.00

11 Associated Terminology:
Microorganisms- organisms that are usually too small to be seen by the naked human eye, incredibly diverse and include bacteria, fungi and others. Hematology- is concerned with the study of the formed elements of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. The lab work that goes into the study of blood is performed by a medical technologist.

12 Associated Terminology:
Pathogen- is a microorganism that causes disease. Histology- is the study of cells and tissues. Immunology – is the study of how blood cells prevent disease caused by microorganisms. A stained histologic specimen, sandwiched between a glass microscope slide and coverslip, mounted on the stage of a light microscope.

13 Part 2 Life Science In the field of life science the major
career cluster is called Life Scientist. There are sub-specialties of life science: Microbiologist Virologist Biochemist

14 Life Scientist – known to some as
“researchers” study living organisms and life processes. The entry level requirement to be a life scientist is a Bachelor’s degree but most employers look for masters or doctoral level prepared individuals.

15 Life Scientist Another definition of a life scientist’s job is…
“Develops new drugs, methods of treatment and new methods of environmental protection.”

16 Life Scientist Life scientist can work in many different settings ranging from agriculture and food sciences to zoology. There are many opportunities in research and development in health care.

17 Specialties within the Life Science Cluster
Microbiologist In medicine microbiologists study the relationship between organisms and disease or the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms. Virologist Studies viruses and the diseases caused by them. Biochemist Studies the effects of hormones, enzymes, serums, and food on tissues and organs.

18 Life Scientist Salary Range in NC $42,300-$100,100

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