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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

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1 MIPS Assembly Language Programming
CDA 3101 Discussion Section 06 MIPS Assembly Language Programming Function Call and Recursive

2 Problem1 Write a function MinMax(&X, N) to find the minimum and
maximum of an array X of N integers. The address of the array is passed in $a0, and the number of words in the array is passed in $a1. The minimum and maximum are returned in registers $v0 and $v1 respectively. Also, write a short main program that Prompts user to enter 10 integers one by one to fill a global integer array X of size 10 Calls the MinMax function to find and return the minimum and maximum of the array X. Prints the minimum and the maximum value.

3 System Calls

4 Problem 2 Implement a recursive function that determines if a string is palindrome. The function should return 1 or 0 to the calling function to indicate if the given string is palindrome or not. You can assume that the string has only characters from the set {a-z, A-Z}. Note that: palindrome(X) = true, if |X| < 2 palindrome(aXa) = palindrome(X), if |X| >= 2

5 Conventions for Registers
Following registers should be spilled to the stack $ra ($31) $a0-$a3 ($4-$7) $t0-$t7 ($8-$15) $s0-$s7 ($16-$23) $fp ($30) Saved by caller on stack before jal and restored after returning from jal; done only for registers used after jal Saved by called procedure before rewriting and then restored back before returning

6 Conventions for Function Call
Before calling a function, the caller must Save on stack $ra any $t registers that will be used after the jal instruction Any $a registers that will be used after the jal instruction Move arguments to $a0-$a3 Execute jal instruction to jump to the procedure

7 Conventions for Function Call
On entry, the called function must Save on stack any $s registers that it is going to overwrite Before returning, the called function must Save results in $v0-$v1 Restore all $s registers values from the stack if necessary Adjust $sp to point to the address it was pointing to before this function was called Return to calling function by using jr $ra

8 Conventions for Function Call
After the function returns, the caller must Read the results returned by the function from $v0-$v1 Restore $ra register values from stack Restore $t and $a register values from stack, if their values were saved on stack before function call

9 Key Points Dynamically allocate memory
li $v0, 9 # Memory allocation service li $a0, <int> # Allocate <int> bytes of mem. syscall move $t0, $v0 # Move address of array to safety. Recursion self: addi $sp, $sp, -4 # Allocate stack space sw $ra, 0($sp) # Save old return address jal self # Jump to self lw $ra, 0($sp) # Load old return address addi $sp, $sp, 4 # Restore stack to old state

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