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Nordic Influences in the EU

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1 Nordic Influences in the EU
The case of Sweden, Denmark and Finland inside the Environmental Policy of the EU

2 Nordic Influences in the EU
Finland: 5,3 millions/ 7 votes Denmark: 5,4 millions/7 votes Sweden: 9 millions and 10 votes The Nordic states only have 24 out of 345 votes in the Council of Ministers, less than 7% of the votes all together

3 Nordic Influences in the EU
They can all be categorized as relatively small member states They cannot merely rely on their voting powers to make their voice heard within the EU What can/do they do?

4 Nordic Influences in the EU
They are most influential early in the decision-making process (stages 1,2, and early on stage 3) 1) Problem-definition and agenda-shaping 2) The Drafting of policy proposals 3) Council negotiations (lower levels)

5 Nordic Influences in the EU
They use cognitive power power resources, which are resources not based on quantitative strength such as votes, size of administration, finance, military powers etc.

6 Nordic Influences in the EU
Cognitive power resources can also be called soft power resources. Reputation, mediation skills, expertise knowledge are all examples of cognitive power resources, used to convince others.

7 Nordic Influences in the EU
In the Environmental Policy the Nordic EU member states have been able to use the following cognitive power resources: Their favorable image The Council Presidency Their small administration Their relationship with the Commission

8 Nordic Influences in the EU
Favorable image based on: Their expertise knowledge in environmental matters Strict national legislation and solid technical “know-how”

9 Nordic Influences in the EU
The Council Presidency used for promoting national interests. Interests/ideas introduced in the Pre-Presidency term and framed as common European interests Timing and framing important!

10 Nordic Influences in the EU
Small administration can have advantages: More adjustability than large administration More transparency and flexibility in communications than large administration Unified national position Easy access to decision-makers “back home” for Brussels negotiators

11 Nordic influences in the EU
Close relationship with the Commission established/enhanced by: 1) Supplying national officials to work for Commission 2) Supplying national experts to work in Commission’s working groups 3) Emphasizing national examples 4) Working closely with Commission when at the helm of Council Presidency

12 Nordic Influences in the EU
What power resource has been most important for the Nordic states? Image (expertise and example-setting) opens doors- makes others listen Often combined with the other power resources to enable the Nordic states to make their voice heard

13 Conclusion The Nordic EU member states all have more influence within EU Environmental Policy than their mere size indicates. The cognitive power resources in question have played a vital role in their influences. Other small states can use the resources in policy areas where the have strong interests, image as experts/example-setters etc.

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