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Your True Colors Warm Up.

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Presentation on theme: "Your True Colors Warm Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your True Colors Warm Up

2 On your warm-up page… Read the phrases on the next slide and copy them into your warm-up under the title “True Colors” Rate each phrase (4 means it sounds like something you are VERY likely to think/say, 1 means it is NOT very likely for you to think/say) You should end up with 4 phrases each with the number 4,3,2,or 1 written beside it. You may not repeat ratings- there may only be one “4”, one “3” etc.

3 What “Sounds Like” You? “Being prepared is essential to life”.
“A life without love is like a year without summer”. “Let me think about it before I act, I would like to make the best choice possible”. “Where is the action? I just want to have FUN”!!!

4 Colors Quiz Directions
1. Read each row of word clusters (horizontal) 2. Score each word cluster from 1 (The least like me) to 4 (the most like me) Example: active, variety, sports= 1/organized, plan, neat= 3/ nice helpful friends=2/ learning science privacy= 4 3. Write your scores in the box to the right of each word cluster 4. Continue this pattern for all 5 rows of word clusters, take your time and really be honest with yourself!

5 Continued Directions 5.Total your scores VERTICALLY for each column
Example: Active variety sports=1 Fun actions contests=4 Playful quick adventurous=4 Busy free winning= 3 Exciting lively hands on= 1 Your score vertically would be 13- write the number 13 in the TOTAL box below that column 6. Repeat for all columns 7.In boxes at the top of the page above the solid line rate each column from 1 (the lowest scoring column) to 4 ( the highest scoring column)

6 What the Color Scores reflect
blue and green are opposites gold and orange are opposites Let’s Make Sense of Your Scores!

7 Score 16-20 you're screaming this fits you to a "t". Probably will present some challenges for you in life....but look at your opposite color...if it has a healthy dose (10-13 points), it helps you to balance.....if probably encounter a few difficulties (too emotional/sensitive....or too goal oriented....or difficulty relating to others....or difficulty in following rules)

8 Score 12-15 you're very strong in this color, but it doesn't overrun your life. This color does identify closely with you and how others see you....but you have probably learned to deal with the challenges the color can offer...and, if the opposite color has the same amount....WOW- very well balanced!

9 Score 8-11 this color is not particularly strong in you. There could be challenges for not having enough of this color. How could this color be developed more strongly in you?

10 Score 7 or Below 7 or below- forget about this! It's not your color!....but, here's a question: if you don't have this color in you....who or what provides it for members, a best friend, pet????

11 Get out a sheet of notebook paper for more Notes

12 Blue

13 Green

14 Gold

15 Orange

16 Quarter 1 Focus: warm-up Response
“Understanding yourself and your place in society” -How does this relate to the activity we just did? -How does this focus align with TKAM?

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