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Published byBritton Day Modified over 6 years ago
2012 Field Testing LEAP and iLEAP grades 3-8: March 27-29, 2012
EOC English II and English III: April 18-20, 2012 EOC US History: April 23-May 18, 2012 ASA Field Test: April 12, 2012
Career Diploma May not have met the 8th grade LEAP standard
Career Diploma Students Seeking to Return to the Standard Diploma May not have met the 8th grade LEAP standard Use of placement test Testing on May 1-16, 2012
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Testing: What’s New
GEE Test Administration Any student who was in grade 9 in 2009–2010, in grade 9 again in 2010–2011, and is now in grade 10 in 2011–2012 should take the GEE grade 10 English Language Arts and Mathematics tests as an initial tester in spring 2012. If the student has enough Carnegie units in second semester 2011–2012 to be reclassified to grade 11, then the student should take the GEE English Language Arts and Mathematics tests and the GEE Science and Social Studies tests in spring 2012.
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Testing: What’s New (continued)
DRC Return Bags for Scorable Materials Districts and schools are provided large, gusseted bags to protect scorable materials from water or other potential damage during transit. These bags are provided in addition to the resealable plastic bags that are used for home study and nonpublic students’ answer documents. As always, test materials should be returned in boxes provided by DRC. Make sure the School Test Coordinator has used a DRC return bag in each school box containing scorable materials. After verifying materials, seal each DRC gusseted return bag tightly using one of the provided plastic ties.
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Testing: What’s New (continued)
DRC Return Bags for Scorable Materials Fill empty space in the boxes with crumpled paper or bubble wrap to ensure that test material doesn’t shift during transit. Fold the box flaps with old shipping labels first to expose A and B flaps. Make sure School Test Coordinator has affixed correct DRC return label to flap A, and affix UPS label to flap B. (Do not affix UPS label to flap B on boxes returned in Pickup 6 in April.) Tape boxes securely by using three pieces of packing tape on both the top and bottom, making sure to overlap tape so it wraps around the sides at least two inches. Instructions and diagrams are included in the “Final Checklist for Returning Test Materials” in the Test Coordinators Manual.
LEAP and GEE Phase 1 Key Dates
All materials arrive: February 27–29 Electronic security checklists for Phase 1 answer documents posted to LEAPweb: February 29 Deadline for ordering additional materials: March 12 Test administration: March 20 Makeup testing: March 21–22 Phase 1 pickups: March 21–23 UPS pickups (automatic) Green DRC return labels must be affixed to boxes containing all answer documents. White DRC return labels must be affixed to boxes containing large-print and braille test booklets and Rough Draft booklets.
LEAP and GEE Phase 1 Tests
Grades 4 and 8 English Language Arts, Writing Mathematics, Constructed Response Grade 10 (retesters only, with exception of some initial testers) Grade 11 (and retesters) Science, Short-Answer Questions and Science Task Social Studies, Constructed Response
Phase 1 Testing Reminders
Descriptive titles have replaced the testing session numbers. Item numbers in Phase 1 for Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies do not start at 1. Only answer documents and Rough Draft booklets are used for standard-print materials in Phase 1. Large-print test booklets are combined by content-area pair, and the Writing Rough Draft pages remain within the large- print booklet. Braille test booklets are combined by content-area pair. All large-print, braille, and other format responses that require accommodations must be transferred to the student’s scorable answer document.
Phase 1 Forms Additional Materials and Additional Labels Requests
If a District Test Coordinator places an order for Phase 1 large-print or braille materials, the order will be automatically filled for Phase 2 testing as well. School versions of order forms are supplied in the binder. The quantity of return labels was generously increased in 2011 and that volume remained the same in for both district and school; therefore, the number of labels on hand should be verified before a request for more is submitted.
Phase 1 Forms (continued)
Void Verification (District Test Coordinator) Void Notification (School Test Coordinator) All of these forms will be posted to eDIRECT in MS Word format. DTCs may complete the forms and send an electronic version to
Phase 1 Materials Retained for Phase 2 (STC)
The School Test Coordinator should retain the following materials for use in Phase 2 testing: Student/label rosters Unused resealable plastic bags for homestudy answer documents Unused bar-code labels Unused DRC return labels (green and white) Unused DRC return bags and plastic ties Return envelopes for district office items
Phase 1 Materials Retained for Phase 2 (STC) (continued)
Test Coordinators Manual LEAP and GEE Test Administration Manuals Unmarked LEAP and GEE Mathematics Reference sheets Unmarked LEAP and GEE rulers (6” and 12”) Unmarked GEE protractors
Phase 1 Preidentified Answer Documents
One Phase 1 answer document: All LEAP testers (ELA/Math) GEE grade 10 (ELA/Math) GEE grade 11 (Science/Social Studies) Two Phase 1 answer documents: GEE retesters taking both grades 10 and 11 tests The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and last four digits of SSN/State ID number.
Preidentified Answer Documents
Preidentified answer documents still require hand coding for education classification, exceptionalities, and accommodations students actually received in testing. Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student information. Errors in preprinted student information must not be corrected. Test administrators should report errors in preprinted information to the School Test Coordinator, who must report errors to the Student Information System (SIS) coordinator for correction in the SIS database.
LEAP and GEE Hand-coded Documents
Only hand-coded answer documents require bar-code labels. School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for approved home study program or LEAP nonpublic school students. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL L 001 Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School LEAP/GEE SPR 2012 BAR-CODE LABEL To link Phase 1 and Phase 2 LEAP and GEE scores for reporting, hand coding in fields E, I, and J must be complete and must match exactly on all answer documents for a student. A used hand-coded answer document returned to DRC without a bar-code label may not be scored in a timely manner. Keep all unused labels (bar-code and return labels) received in Phase 1 delivery for use in Phase 2 testing.
Hand Coding Phase 1 Documents
In spring 2010, primarily because of errors in hand-coded information, nearly 6,000 records were manually merged to provide students with complete content-area scores. In spring 2011, this number was drastically reduced! Less than 1,000 records had to be merged. It is IMPERATIVE that the following demographic information be hand coded completely (no blanks) and match exactly on all answer documents to create accurate student results: Date of Birth (field E) First Name (field I) Last Name (field I) Social Security Number/State ID Number (field J) For GEE students taking at least three content-area tests during the Phase 1 administration, the information in fields E, I, and J on both of the student’s Phase 1 answer documents must match exactly, or multiple records will be reported for this student.
Phase 2 Preidentified Labels Overview
To decrease the number of manual merges, Phase 2 preidentified labels will again be provided for students whose hand-coded Phase 1 answer documents were completed for at least two of the following demographic fields: Date of Birth First Name Last Name Social Security Number The pink Phase 2 preidentified labels will be sent to the districts for arrival on Tuesday, April 10. District Test Coordinators must distribute them to the correct schools. Use of the preidentified labels will help ensure that the Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores are merged within a content area.
Phase 2 Preidentified Labels (LEAP and GEE Only)
ALIGN TOP OF LABEL BIERBAUM, LORI GRADE 4 GENDER: F DOB:01/01/2000 STATE ID: XXXXX PHASE 1 AD SEC.#: P 001 Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School LEAP/GEE SPR 2012 Pink Phase 2 preidentified labels will be provided for students who tested on Phase 1 hand-coded documents. Demographic information hand coded on the Phase 1 answer document will appear on the Phase 2 preidentified label. If First Name or Last Name was left blank on the Phase 1 answer document, the First Name or Last Name will not appear on the Phase 2 preidentified label. If DOB or SSN was only partially coded or left blank on the Phase 1 answer document, those blanks will be replaced with dashes (-). The last eight digits of the Phase 1 answer document security number and the district and school information will also appear on Phase 2 preidentified labels.
Phase 2 Preidentified Labels How To Use
Before a preidentified label is affixed to a student’s Phase 2 answer document, the information on the label should be reviewed to ensure the label belongs to the correct student. Because there may be only two demographics on a student’s Phase 2 preidentified label, it may be necessary to verify that the student’s Phase 1 answer document security number, found on the label, matches the security number on the Phase 1 security checklist. After verifying the information, the preidentified label should be affixed to the lower-left corner of the answer document. If a student is using more than one GEE answer document, the correct Phase 2 preidentified label should be affixed to each of the documents. Do not place nonpreidentified bar-code labels over Phase 2 preidentified labels.
Phase 2 Preidentified Labels How To Use (continued)
Do not correct errors on Phase 2 preidentified labels. Information printed on a preidentified label is pulled directly from the hand-coded information on the student’s Phase 1 answer document. Errors can be corrected later in LEAPweb. Answer documents with Phase 2 preidentified labels must be coded according to the directions for preidentified answer documents in the LEAP and GEE Test Administration Manual. LEAP and GEE Phase 2 preidentified labels must be affixed to answer documents for students who are not testing, and an accountability code (if applicable) should be hand coded on page 2 of the answer documents.
Phase 2 Preidentified Labels Not Received
Reasons why a Phase 2 preidentified label may not have been received: A student’s Phase 1 answer document demographic information contained too little information or less than two of the four demographics were left blank. A student’s Phase 1 answer document was not received and processed at DRC by April 2. The student enrolled in a school after Phase 1 testing. The student did not test during Phase 1. NOTE: If the demographic information does not match exactly across both phases, students may have multiple records reported, and a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge request must be submitted to DRC in order for a student to receive a complete score for each content area.
Using Nonpreidentified Bar-code Labels in Phase 2
If a school does not receive a Phase 2 preidentified label for a student whose Phase 1 answer document was hand coded, the School Test Coordinator should contact the District Test Coordinator, who will contact LDOE to obtain the Phase 1 demographic information for the student (if it is available). The Phase 1 Hand-coded Demographics Report will not be produced this year, but LDOE will have access to this information. If a student does not receive a preidentified label or a preidentified answer document for Phase 2 testing, a bar-code label (nonpreidentified) must be affixed to the Phase 2 answer document, and the document must be hand coded according to the instructions in the LEAP and GEE Test Administration Manual. NOTE: If the demographic information does not match exactly across both phases, students may have multiple records reported, and a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge request must be submitted to DRC for a student to receive a complete score for each content area.
April Administration Key Dates
iLEAP, LAA 2, & ASA/ASA LAA 2 materials arrive: March 12–14 Boxes marked with program labels iLEAP: yellow LAA 2: pink ASA/ASA LAA 2: light blue LEAP and GEE Phase 2 materials arrive: March 19–20 Test booklets and answer documents only Boxes marked with green LEAP/GEE program labels Deadline for ordering additional materials: Tuesday, April 3 With holidays and spring break close to the ordering deadline, do not wait until the last day to place your additional materials order.
April Administration Key Dates (continued)
LEAP, GEE, and iLEAP Test Administration: April 12–13, 16–17 LAA 2 Test Administration: April 12–13, 16–18 ASA/ASA LAA 2 Test Administration: April 12, 16–17 GEE Makeup Testing: April 16–19 LEAP and iLEAP Makeup Testing: April 18–19 LAA 2 Makeup Testing: April 16–19 ASA/ASA LAA 2 Makeup Testing: April 18–19
Forms for District Test Coordinator
Delivery Verification LEAP and GEE Phase 2: Use same form as for Phase 1 iLEAP, LAA 2, ASA/ASA LAA 2, and Grade 2 ITBS Additional Materials and Additional Labels Requests Unique forms for each program Phase 1 Testing During Phase 2 Administration Instructions for handling this situation Materials Request Form April UPS Return Verification—Pickups 1–5 LEAP and GEE Phase 2, iLEAP, LAA 2, and ASA/ASA LAA 2 April Return Verification—Pickup 6 (Assessment Distribution Services)
Other Forms Void Notification for School Test Coordinators
One form for LEAP, GEE, iLEAP, and LAA 2 One form for ASA and ASA LAA 2 Located in Test Coordinators Manual Void Verification for District Test Coordinators LEAP and GEE Phase 1 LEAP and GEE Phase 2 iLEAP LAA 2 ASA and ASA LAA 2 Available on eDIRECT
Other Forms (continued)
Request for Merging Scores (applies to a merge within the same content area, not Phase 1/Phase 2 merge) LEAP/GEE Phase 2 iLEAP, LAA 2, and ASA/ASA LAA 2 Available on eDIRECT Rescore Requests LEAP/GEE LAA 2 Located in Test Coordinators Manual
LEAP/GEE Phase 2 (April 2012)
Reminders LEAP standard print test booklets include all four content areas. Automatic Rescores for graduating seniors will not occur for GEE in the spring. DRC will waive the rescore fee for graduating seniors, but the student must meet the rescore criteria and be identified on the rescore request form as a graduating senior. Summary and Performance reports will be available online only. Grades 4 and 8 English Language Arts (Multiple Choice and Constructed Response) Mathematics (Multiple Choice) Science (Multiple Choice and Constructed Response) Social Studies (Multiple Choice and Constructed Response) Grade 10 (retesters with the exception of some initial testers) Grade 11 (and retesters) Science (Multiple Choice) Social Studies (Multiple Choice)
Phase 1 Testers During Phase 2
Must be approved by LDOE after consideration of appropriate documentation Testing must take place during the makeup period of the Phase 2 administration in April. Must fit one of the following extenuating circumstances: Illness, with absence inclusive of all testing and makeup dates. Request must be accompanied by doctor’s letter. Transfer/New Student who enrolled after March 22, 2012, and did not test March 20–March 22 in another Louisiana public school. Appropriate documentation must be sent with the Materials Request form to DRC for permission to be granted. DRC will not send Phase 1 materials to the district without approval from LDOE. Phase 1 materials requests must be placed by April 13, 2012. Phase 1 materials must be returned to DRC in pickup 5 on April 20. Phase 1 test materials must be boxed separately from Phase 2 materials.
iLEAP Test Administration (April 2012 Only)
Grades 3, 5, 6, and 7 Math English Language Arts Science Social Studies Reminders Grade 9 students will not be tested. NRT Reports will only include Student Reports and Student Labels. Eliminated for 2011 and are the List Report and District and School Summary Reports.
LAA 2 Test Administration (April 2012 Only)
Grades 4–8 and 10 English Language Arts Mathematics Grades 4, 8, and 11 Science Social Studies Crossover Schedule If students are testing in LAA 2 and in one or more content areas in LEAP, GEE, or iLEAP, refer to the crossover schedule in the LAA 2 Test Administration Manual appendix. Reminders Grade 4 and grade 8 answer documents include all four content areas. Automatic rescores for graduating seniors do not occur for LAA 2. DRC will waive the rescore fee for graduating seniors, but the student must meet the rescore criteria and be identified on the rescore request form as a graduating senior.
ASA and ASA LAA 2 (April 2012 Only)
About these tests ASA and ASA LAA 2 assessments are designed for students enrolled in nondiploma pathways: GED State-Approved Skills Certificate (SASC) PreGED/Options Program (until phased out) ASA LAA 2 is designed for IDEA students who meet the LAA 2 participation criteria and are enrolled in one of the above mentioned nondiploma pathways. ASA English Language Arts (Writing Only) Field Test in No scores are reported for the field test Mathematics (operational) ASA LAA 2 Mathematics
ASA and ASA LAA 2 (April 2012 Only)
For spring 2012 only, each student will be provided one consumable test booklet that will contain the ELA Writing (only) field test and the Mathematics test (operational). Consumable Test Booklet defined: student responds directly in the test booklet. Standard answer documents are not provided. ASA LAA 2 Eligible students will receive a standard test booklet and answer document. Only responses in the answer document will be scored. Home study program and nonpublic school students are not eligible to test.
Preidentified Answer Documents or Consumable Test Booklets
One answer document: iLEAP, LAA 2, and ASA LAA 2 One consumable test booklet: ASA One answer document for Phase 2 testing: All LEAP testers GEE grade 10 (ELA/Math) GEE grade 11 (Science/Social Studies) Two answer documents for Phase testing: GEE retesters taking both grades 10 and 11 tests The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and last four digits of SSN/State ID number.
Preidentified Answer Documents or Consumable Test Booklet
Preidentified answer documents or consumable test booklets still require hand coding for education classification, exceptionalities, and accommodations students actually received in testing. Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student information. Errors in preprinted student information must not be corrected. Test administrators should report errors in preprinted information to the School Test Coordinator, who must report errors to the Student Information System (SIS) coordinator for correction in the SIS database.
Hand-coded Documents and Booklets (LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 2, ASA, and ASA LAA 2)
Hand-coded answer documents and hand-coded consumable test booklets require bar-code labels. Bar-code labels are program specific (LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 2, or ASA/ASA LAA 2). The testing program and administration appear at the bottom of the bar-code label. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL L 001 Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School LAA 2 SPR 2012 BAR-CODE LABEL School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for approved home study program or LEAP nonpublic school students. To link Phase 1 and Phase 2 LEAP and GEE scores for reporting, hand coding in fields E, I, and J must be complete and must match exactly on all answer documents for a student. Unused LEAP/GEE bar-code labels received in the Phase 1 materials shipment should be used for LEAP/GEE Phase 2 answer documents unless students have pink Phase 2 preidentified labels.
What’s wrong with this picture?
ALIGN TOP OF LABEL L 001 Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School iLEAP SPR 2011 BAR-CODE LABEL
Unscorable Document Labels (affixed by District Test Coordinator)
Unscorable document labels are program specific (LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 2, and ASA/ASA LAA 2). One set is provided for both phases of LEAP and GEE testing. Use if an answer document or consumable test booklet was damaged soiled for another student marked with ink, highlighters, markers, or crayon Unscorable answer documents must not be thrown away. Documentation about the incident should be kept by the District Test Coordinator. Any student responses must be transferred to a scorable answer document to be scored. Do not affix these labels to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided. Do not apply Accountability Code 86 to unscorable documents; code 86 is invalid. Affix an unscorable document label and follow the instructions. ^ ALIGN TOP OF LABEL ^ THE DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR MUST FOLLOW THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS LABEL. D NOTSCORE DOCUMENTATION REGARDING USE OF THIS LABEL MUST BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE FOR ONE YEAR. iLEAP SPR 2012 UNSCORABLE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| LEAP/GEE SPR 2010 UNSCORABLE
Straggler Answer Documents and ASA Consumable Test Booklets
These are answer documents and ASA consumable test booklets that are incorrectly packaged or received by DRC after the cutoff date. DRC’s procedures for handling straggler documents: Documents will be scanned and scored at a later date. Documents will not appear on the used answer document report but may appear on the missing materials report. A score memo will be released with the student’s score and the student’s Web history will be updated. For LEAP/GEE students, the score memo may be only a partial score, depending on whether one or both Phase 1 and Phase 2 student answer documents arrived late. No student labels will be sent, and scores will not appear online in the CSV files, the assessment summary reports, or the iLEAP NRT reports.
LEAP, GEE, and LAA 2 Rescores
Friday, May 18 is the proposed date for release of LEAP, GEE, and LAA 2 results. A rescore request must be submitted for GEE and LAA 2 graduating seniors. These students will be not be assessed a rescore fee. To receive rescoring results BEFORE summer testing, DRC must receive the rescore request by May 25. There are no exceptions to this deadline. For requests received by May 25, DRC will provide a score memo by June 5. All requests received after May 25 will be processed within 2–3 weeks. The final deadline for submitting rescore requests is June 18. NOTE: Summer retesting begins June 26.
Reminders: Managing Materials
Security checklists must be used to track materials. Electronic versions available Useful in verifying the information on the Phase 2 preidentified labels Include Rough Draft booklets, which now have security numbers On the security checklists, School Test Coordinators should add student names next to security numbers to identify the materials each student used in testing. When calling DRC with score inquiries or submitting requests to merge scores or locate documents, the security number must be supplied. Labels or materials cannot be taken from one school and given to another.
Reminders: Large Print and Braille Materials
Large-print test booklets are combined by content-area pair. The number of volumes of braille booklets varies. Student responses from all large-print, braille, and other accommodated-format materials must be transferred to scorable answer documents. Reminder stickers about transferring responses have been placed on all large-print and braille booklets. Security checklists should be used to monitor which booklets require transferred answers. Braille Test Administration Instructions are considered secure and must be returned to DRC.
Reminders: Online Surveys
All comments for LEAP, GEE, iLEAP, LAA 1, and LAA 2 testing will be collected online at This URL can also be found in the Test Administration Manuals and the Test Coordinator Manual. Comments are 100% anonymous. Online surveys are not available for ASA/ASA LAA 2, Writing and Math Field Test, or Grade 2 ITBS.
Available on eDIRECT:
Online Survey Windows LAA 1: February 6–March 16 LEAP/GEE: March 20–April 19 (separate surveys for Phase 1 and Phase 2) iLEAP and LAA 2: April 12–April 19 Available on eDIRECT:
General Reminders TA numbers must be entered February 27–April 20 by using LEAPweb. Student test histories need to be corrected using LEAPweb. Be sure to merge incomplete histories a few times a year. Complete the correction form electronically on LEAPweb to make student data corrections. Follow the instructions provided with the form. Administrative error fee $350 per test Applies to LEAP English Language Arts and Mathematics tests, all GEE content areas, and Grades 10 and 11 LAA 2 tests Search and score fees $100 to search and $100 to score documents that are returned without a label or returned inside a test booklet FERPA To maintain student confidentiality, any personal student information such as first and last name, SSN, and DOB must be relayed to DRC via an encrypted file in an , fax, or phone conversation.
General Packing Instructions
The boxes used to deliver testing materials and the additional boxes included in the district shipment should be used when returning materials. Materials must be separated by testing program and the correct program specific DRC return labels must be affixed to flap A. When applicable, UPS Return Service labels must be affixed to flap B. Do not make copies of UPS Return Service labels! Do not affix UPS labels to boxes of nonscorable materials picked up by Assessment Distribution Services (pickup 6 in April). Do NOT package materials for multiple schools in the same box, regardless of how few the materials.
Types of Merges Merge Within a Content Area
For a student who responded to portions of a single content area on two different answer documents Request for Merging Scores forms (LEAP and GEE Phase 2 form or iLEAP and LAA 2 form) should be faxed to DRC when requesting this type of merge. Student History Merge via LEAPweb District Test Coordinators perform these. The Electronic Merge request in LEAPweb should be used to merge incomplete histories that require LDOE assistance. Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge (LEAP/GEE only) A manual merge done by DRC to combine a student’s Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores so the student has one complete score within a content area
Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge Request Process
After scores are released, if a student has records that require a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge, follow the steps below. Print copies of the student’s multiple reports for one content-area test (the unmatched student reports). Indicate which of the reports will be the primary record by writing “primary” on the top of the student report. The demographic information on the primary record will override the secondary record’s demographics and be used on the score memo that contains the merged score. Fax or mail to DRC copies of the student reports that require the merge.
Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge Procedures
After receiving the designated primary and secondary student reports from a district, DRC will merge the student’s records and send a score memo to the district. After DRC has performed a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge and the scores are loaded to LEAPweb, the districts will still see the two records in LEAPweb: The primary record will contain the student’s complete score. The secondary record will remain in Web history but will not have scores linked to it. The district will then need to perform a student history merge in LEAPweb to eliminate the secondary student record. NOTE: When DRC performs a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge, they cannot update any demographic fields, even if a district has requested that changes be made.
LAA 2 Summer and Fall Retests
Reminders Automatic rescores for graduating seniors do not occur for LAA 2. DRC will waive the rescore fee for graduating seniors during the summer retest only, but the student must meet the rescore criteria and be identified on the rescore request form as a graduating senior. DRC will notify districts when they may begin ordering LAA 2 retest materials. Tests will be administered during the same time frame as the LEAP and GEE retests. Online surveys will be available. Grade 10 English Language Arts Mathematics Grade 11 Science Social Studies
LEAP/GEE Summer Retest
Reminders Testing site assignment verification forms will be sent to districts April 23, before scores are released. TA number application is refreshed. Preidentified labels (not preidentified answer documents) are provided. Test Not Taken labels should be affixed over preidentified or nonpreidentified bar-code labels on answer documents for students who did not test, NOT affixed to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided. Site-code labels should be affixed to district overage answer documents. Automatic rescores will be conducted for seniors who score within two raw score points of passing. Online surveys will be available. Grades 4 and 8 Retesters English Language Arts Mathematics GEE Retesters Science Social Studies
GEE Fall Retest Reminders GEE Retesters
Test Not Taken labels should be affixed to preidentified and hand- coded answer documents of students who did not test, NOT affixed to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided. Seniors’ documents are not automatically rescored; a rescore request at the student’s expense must be submitted. Online surveys will be available. GEE Retesters English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies
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