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What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute your Film

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1 What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute your Film

2 What is Film Distribution?
The film Distributer is who sells and markets a film. They advertise and make it available to the audience. They do this in many different ways such as by presenting the film at festivals or using TV marketing. There are many different types of distribution companies such as Regular, Online and Self distribution. Some of Most popular British film distribution companies are: Warner, Bros, 20th century fox and Sony pictures.

3 Who Would Distribute our Film?
As our film is a low budget British film we would not be distributed by a big time Hollywood Film Distribution company such as 20th century fox or Warner Bros. because there it is not a high profited movie and will not be mass produced. Our film will be more likely be distributed by small budgeted film distributed companies such as Vertigo Films, DNA Films and Film 4.

4 .B.E. PRODUCTIONS We created are own distribution company called ‘.B.E. Productions’ we also created an Ident for this company. Idents are important for film Distribution companies as they are played at the beginning of the film and it’s how the audience remember the company. If the indent is good, the audience is more likely to remember it. .B.E. Productions would be a small independent disruption company that Distributes low budgeted movies from non professional film makers.

5 DNA Films DNA Films is a production company in the UK that is run by Andrew Macdonald and Allon Reich. It is one of the UK’s most successful production companies. It had distributed many different films such as ‘Shallow Grave’ (1994) ‘Twin Town’ (1997) and ‘Ex Machina’ (2014). After doing research into the company I found that most of their films are in the genre of dark comedies, thriller or physical thrillers. I believe that our film would be distributed by a company such as this one as they distribute more low budget independent films like ours. Also the sort of genres they usually distribute fits our genre of physiological thriller. Such as their movie ‘Ex Machina’ (2014) which is a physiological thriller.

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