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I do not care for talking about myself

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Presentation on theme: "I do not care for talking about myself"— Presentation transcript:

1 I do not care for talking about myself
Me Myself and I? I do not care for talking about myself


3 Everything to know… Dorothy Galanaugh Born 1/6/1986
Born in Philadelphia raised in South Jersey Grammar School: St. John’s Collingswood, NJ High School: Merion Mercy Academy Merion Station, PA Undergrad: St Joseph’s University Bachelor’s Degree English Literature. Current Job: Service Rep at New York Life Insurance Family: Mother: Dot ,Teacher’s Aide, Father: Tim, Attorney (Fellow Hawk Alumni) Brother: Timmy, 31

4 You know the game desert island?

5 M O V I E S Dead Poets Society The Wizard of Oz On the Waterfront
The Sound of Music The Wizard of Oz On the Waterfront Breakfast at Tiffany’s



8 Where I’ve Been...

9 Where I want to go…..

10 A few other tidbits…. I love country music, especially live.
The use of language fascinates me. I love Broadway. I read anything I can get my hands on. I love country music, especially live. I am a fountain of useless trivia. My music and movie collections are both incredibly eclectic. I buy purses and shoes way too much. I love stained glass because of the irony of the name. For that matter I love irony. I love all things Disney. My sweatshirt from Oxford University is the most comfortable sweatshirt I own.

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