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Bidi Bom.

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Presentation on theme: "Bidi Bom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bidi Bom

2 Bom, bidi bom, Bidi bidi bidi bom, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom

3 Hanukah is here, it’s a happy time of year, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom Once more the time sung in melody and rhyme, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

4 Candles alight, and their flame is so bright Reflected in little children’s eyes. Come and dance to the tune ‘neath a holidaying moon, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

5 Bom, bidi bom, Bidi bidi bidi bom, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom

6 Hanukah is here, it’s a happy time of year, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom Once more the time sung in melody and rhyme, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

7 Candles alight, and their flame is so bright Reflected in little children’s eyes. Come and dance to the tune ‘neath a holidaying moon, Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

8 Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom. Bom…

9 Bom Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom. Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

10 Bidi bom, bidi bidi bidi bom.

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