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This lesson will be a lot of me talking!

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson will be a lot of me talking!"— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson will be a lot of me talking!

2 Gender – What do I need to know?
Examiners do not look favourably if you are getting you concepts and theories mixed up! You may think gender is easy, but currently people making a lot of errors!

3 Do you still have your gender booklets
Do you still have your gender booklets? These have EVERYTHING you need to know in them!

4 A deficit model is the idea that some types of language are lesser
A deficit model is the idea that some types of language are lesser. In terms of gender this suggests that male speech is the standard. If we think about accents, a deficit model would consider the standard of RP. A dominance model is to do with power! Because men are more powerful in society obviously their language is more powerful. Again, this can also be considered in other areas. A difference model, suggests that language is just used differently because of different aims (however these models still tend to perpetuate stereotypes!). Think ”Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” Diversity – language isn’t just about gender at all!! We have to consider many other factors too! This almost directly challenges all of the other models….takes them all out! In a bit more detail……

5 Personally, I believe Lakoff is an example of a deficit model, PLEASE CHANGE IN YOUR BOOKLET!!

6 THE BIG THREE!!! You must be able to discuss the different models.
You must also know these theorists – as a minimum!

7 Robin Lakoff The Deficit Model Robin Lakoff 1975 describes male language as stronger, more prestigious and more desirable. She published a set of basic assumptions about what marks out the language of women. Among these are: You MUST be able to identify some of these and refer to them! They may pop up in data! This is how you get your terminology in!

8 Hedge: using phrases like “sort of”, “kind of”, “it seems like”,and so on.
Use (super)polite forms: “Would you mind...”,“I'd appreciate it if...”, “...if you don't mind”. Use tag questions: “You're going to dinner, aren't you?” Speak in italics: intonational emphasis equal to underlining words - so, very, quite. Use empty adjectives: divine, lovely, adorable, and so on Use hypercorrect grammar and pronunciation: English prestige grammar and clear enunciation. Use direct quotation: men paraphrase more often. Have a special lexicon: women use more words for things like colours, men for sports. Use question intonation in declarative statements: women make declarative statements into questions by raising the pitch of their voice at the end of a statement, expressing uncertainty. For example, “What school do you attend? Eton College?” Use “wh-” imperatives: (such as, “Why don't you open the door?”) Speak less frequently Overuse qualifiers: (for example, “I Think that...”) Apologise more: (for instance, “I'm sorry, but I think that...”) Use modal constructions: (such as can, would, should, ought - “Should we turn up the heat?”) Avoid coarse language or expletives Use indirect commands and requests: (for example, “My, isn't it cold in here?” - really a request to turn the heat on or close a window) Use more intensifiers: especially so and very (for instance, “I am so glad you came!”) Lack a sense of humour: women do not tell jokes well and often don't understand the punch line of jokes.

9 Problems? Dated Lakoff’s description of women’s language style was completely based on her own insight, her remembered impressions rather than on any systematic quantitative observation.

10 Deborah Tannen (1990) – DIFFERENCE!
You Just Don’t Understand: Men and Women in Conversation Controversial – looked at mixed-gender conversation. She attempts to explain “male-female miscommunication” by claiming that male-female speech is “cross-cultural communication”.

11 In a nut shell…men and women use language differently!
A bit like this bestseller!

12 Status vs. Support. Men see conversation as a contest, women do not think of the people they converse with as ‘trying to get one up on them’. Independence vs. Intimacy. Men see consulting with their partner to be ‘asking for permission’ rather than simply discussing. Advice vs. Understanding. To many men a complaint is a challenge to come up with a solution, but often women are looking for emotional support, not solutions. Information vs. Feelings. To men, talk is information. It has a practical purpose, and if it does not…it’s just not worth saying! Orders vs. Proposals Women hedge their orders, “Let’s…”. Men can feel that by doing this, a woman is trying to slyly manipulate him to do something rather than just directly ask, like he would. Conflict vs. Compromise. Women are reluctant to openly oppose others E.G Evidence of interruption? E.G The use of a mitigated imperative in ”Let’s shut the door” “Why don’t you cook dinner?” Look for abstract nouns, adjectives – “extra words” When referencing this theory, you will need to refer to specific linguistic examples – the data will help!. You Paper 1 terminology will also help

13 Overlaps and Tannen Cooperative Overlap: Interrupting to show support
Competitive Overlap: Interrupting to gain control High-involvement: show enthusiastic support (even overlapping) High-consideration: do not impose on the speakers But Tannen didn’t necessarily think that women needed to change. She challenges the idea that men’s language should be considered the norm.

14 What could be problematic about these types of models?
A bit like this bestseller! Perpetuate stereotypes Binary opposition – men v’s women attitude rather simplistic? Does not take into consideration the wider discourses! Any others?

15 Deborah Cameron -- Diversity
Believes that difference is a myth and summarises difference theorists (the following is what they think, not what Cameron thinks): Language and communication matter more to women Women are more verbally skilled than men Women talk about feelings and people; men talk about things and facts Men are competitive in language, women are cooperative These differences lead to miscommunication between genders Good one to use to challenge other theories!!!

16 Deborah Cameron – Differences are not simply binary and gendered…
Any differences are due to societal expectations of each gender. The way men and women think they are meant to speak is “verbal hygiene” – how we use language to impose order in society. E.G “Sex-worker” not prostitute.


18 Ones we have looked at!

19 Other useful theories Big list in the booklet!

20 Linguistic terms - KEY IDEAS TO LOOK FOR
Lexical Asymmetry –Where a word should mean the same for the genders but actually has different connotations eg bachelor/spinster, cook/chef. Also personal pronouns demonstrate this…. Position of Pronouns/nouns – Man and Wife, king and Queen, him and her …. Sematic derogation – Words taking on negative connotations over time. For example “spinster” “tramp” SEE SHULZ…. Marked terms – Host/hostess, Waiter/waitress, Actor/actress ….

21 Key Theorist – Schulz (1975)
“Again and again in the history of the language, one finds that a perfectly innocent term designating a girl or woman may begin with totally neutral or even positive connotations, but that gradually it acquires negative implications…after a period of time becoming abusive and ending as a sexual slur.” Have you visited this yet?

22 The Question: Discuss the idea that….
The word “idea” gives your response a focus. The imperative ”discuss” is asking you tell them what you know in relation to the topic. This means you don’t have to come to a definite conclusion. However, you must write clearly and those aiming for Level 5 will need to conclude to some extent.

23 Around the room are different versions of “data”.
It WILL get harder as you move round! As a group you will visit each one. You will need to: Create a question that could apply to that data set. Annotate the data in relation to that question. Offer appropriate theories

24 Schema is flouted!?!?!?!?!?

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