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Inferencing with Trash Can Clues

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Presentation on theme: "Inferencing with Trash Can Clues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inferencing with Trash Can Clues

2 Inferencing Reading between the lines of the text
Using text to support ideas Looks like conclusions, predictions, new ideas/realizations about setting, plot, or characters Engaging prior knowledge and own experiences

3 Conclusions Overall opinion formed after reading
Using inferences to reach a conclusion Basing off of text and common sense “I can conclude he doesn’t like sports because...”

4 Prior Knowledge Information you already know Comes from Learning
Experiences What you bring to the text: INTERACTION Rude if you don’t bring anything to a party

5 Prior Knowledge Helps you better understand and comprehend what you are reading We understand what we know

6 Practice

7 Trash Can Clues

8 What can we infer about the family?


10 Infer? They have a puppy They at least feed their puppy
Good brand of food - care about their puppy


12 Infer? The family has a baby Not old enough to eat solid food yet


14 Infer? A girl Likes Justin Beiber Music


16 Infer? Eats out/orders in Likes BBQ and pizza
Not too concerned about healthy eating Too busy to cook dinner


18 Infer? A soccer player Plays a lot of soccer
Doesn’t care about getting muddy/dirty Bigger feet - older?


20 Infer? Really hairy person Man - dad Concerned about appearance


22 Infer? Likes to color How old? Younger?


24 Infer? Went to Disney World recently Family trip - family time
Time for family


26 Infer? Watched a movie together Like buttered popcorn
Not very good at opening bags

27 We can conclude that... Family of at least 3 children, teenage, tween, baby, mom, and a dad Spend time together - Disney Trip No time for cooking Enjoy art, music, eating out

28 Inferring based on trash = Better understanding of family

29 How to: Use Clues from text Background/prior knowledge Ask yourself:
Can I support with text? Is this logical?

30 Guided Practice Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak.
He cooks pork. - What are we thinking to ourselves? -Think before you read the questions!

31 Guided Practice Q: What kind of food does Adam cook?
Adam is a chef. He cooks chicken. He cooks steak. He cooks pork. Q: What kind of food does Adam cook? a. pasta b. meat c. fruit Q: Adam probably also cooks... a. green beans b. oatmeal c. hamburgers

32 Independent Practice:
Dan, Sarah, Ted, and Rebecca have been playing a friendly game of poker for almost an hour. So far, Ted has the biggest pile of winnings, with a total of $5.45. Sarah has won a small sum, and Rebecca has lost more than Dan.

33 Independent Practice:
Dan, Sarah, Ted, and Rebecca have been playing a friendly game of poker for almost an hour. So far, Ted has the biggest pile of winnings, with a total of $5.45. Sarah has won a small sum, and Rebecca has lost more than Dan. Q: At this stage of the game, who has lost the most money? Q: If the game started at 7:00, what time might it be at this stage of the game?

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