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QV Training August 2017: Report-writing

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2 QV Training August 2017: Report-writing
Fiona Gunn, Quality Strategy Manager John Carr, Deputy Lead Verifier

3 Aims of this workshop Review style and standards for writing reports
Clarify what should be included in the various parts of the report Discuss content and coverage for specific key criteria

4 Target Groups for QV reports
Consider the various audiences and their needs from your reports Centre qualification delivery teams Centre management teams SQA (Verification Logistics team, manager considering any appeal by the centre) Next QV to visit that centre Senior EVs reviewing content of reports (not proof-reading and correcting)

5 Target Groups for QV reports
Don’t assume knowledge on the part of readers Remember that not all readers of reports will have been present at the verbal feedback, or will remember all that was said SQA QA Logistics managers set the sanctions – it must be clear to them from the report whether or not certification can proceed, based on your subject expertise

6 Style of writing of QV reports
Write in full sentences, not in note form Check spelling and grammar Ensure all terminology is current and correct Avoid acronyms Avoid over-personalisation, use formal third person Evidence-based, factual statements – not expressed as personal opinions

7 Evidence-based statements
You can list the evidence seen in the ‘evidence seen’ box Including the sample of candidate evidence you verified and the rationale for the sample In the comments box for each criterion, you don’t need to describe the evidence in great detail – but explain how it demonstrated compliance or non-compliance with the criterion Evidence should relate to implementation of the centre’s procedures for the qualification

8 Evidence-based statements
Example: Criterion 2.4 Is there evidence that formal processes are being implemented for review of resources? Does this evidence demonstrate full coverage of review of: assessment environments; equipment; and reference, learning and assessment materials Is this effective – are changes and improvements being identified and implemented?

9 Evidence-based statements
Example: Criteria 3.2 and 3.3 Is there evidence of formal procedures for identifying candidates’ needs and for support from assessors being implemented consistently and effectively?

10 Evidence-based statements
Example: Criterion 4.7 Comment on the availability of evidence for the sample and any spontaneous sampling Is there evidence of a policy on retention periods being implemented? Example: Criterion 4.9 Is there evidence of a process for dissemination of feedback from QA being implemented? Is this effective in informing assessment practice?

11 Content of QV reports Criterion 2.1
Only verify against this criterion if you are verifying SVQ or regulated qualifications Relate evidence to assessment strategy For HN, NQ you can make comment and identify good practice, but you should mark the criterion as “not applicable” (ie not verified) and you cannot set any required actions or recommendations

12 Content of QV reports Criterion 4.2
Comment on internal assessment procedures, including standardisation Comment on the three stages of internal verification (pre, during and post delivery) Was the internal verification effective (link to criteria 4.3 and 4.6)? Required action if IV was not effective

13 Content of QV reports Criterion 4.3
State the assessment methods/instruments that were used Did the assessments meet all of SQA’s assessment principles – valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair? Link with 4.2 – internal verification was not effective if assessment methods/instruments not meeting requirements.

14 Content of QV reports Criterion 4.4
Must refer to what the conditions of assessment for that qualification are Not just plagiarism, candidate disclaimers – but broad definitions of candidate and centre malpractice Evidence of implementation of policies and procedures in relation to that qualification

15 Content of QV reports Criterion 4.6
State explicitly whether or not the assessment judgements of the centre were in line with the national standard Comment on the sample seen Not just repeating points from 4.2 and 4.3 – these can be referenced, but should not be duplicated Any required action should relate to the full candidate cohort, although the evidence to be submitted is for the same sample

16 Content of QV reports Good practice points Beyond standard practice
Related to SQA’s remit and criteria Recommendations Backed up with evidence in the comments box Actions, not statements Improvements, where already compliant

17 Content of QV reports Required actions
Related to evidence seen and explained in the comments box Actions specific to the criterion in question Be very clear on what the centre has to do Set a realistic and achievable target date for completion – one date for all actions One agreed evidence type Evidence to be sent to SQA, not the verifier

18 Content of QV reports Summary of Feedback to the Centre box
Clearly summarise the outcome of the visit Confirm that this was all covered in verbal feedback No new information to be introduced in this box

19 Content of QV reports General information box
No need to duplicate information here from other parts of the report No new information relating to the criteria to be introduced in this box Can be used for any related information which doesn’t fit elsewhere, or just left blank

20 Content of QV reports Feedback to ASV/QV boxes
Use to refer information beyond the coverage of the QV criteria back to SQA (won’t be included in the centre’s copy of the report) Feedback on the qualification and support materials Any concerns about the centre e.g. lack of or inappropriate systems, safety issues, discrepancies between entries and candidates, potential malpractice

21 Report-writing guidance resources
QAMS Guide to Qualification Verification for Verifiers Checklist for reviewing reports before submitting Appointee website – Training & Guidance : FAQs for QV Exemplar report and evidence reviews

22 Report-writing guidance resources
Writing for SQA: Part A – House Style Writing for SQA: Part B – Plain English (Links to these are already in the Guide to QV for Verifiers) Writing for SQA: A-Z version (new content, on website)

23 Round-up Are there any points requiring further clarification?
Any comments/challenges? Is there any further guidance or other support for report-writing that you would find helpful?

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