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VOCABULARY – 2.8 Daily Vocab

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1 VOCABULARY – 2.8 Daily Vocab
VIGILANTES – people who take the law into their own hands TRANSCONTINENTAL – extending across the continent (railroad) NOMADIC – moving from place to place with no permanent home RESERVATIONS – an area of public lands set aside for Native Americans ASSEMBLY LINE – the production system with machines and workers arranged so that each person performs an assigned task again and again as it passes before him/her MASS PRODUCTION – the production of large quantities of goods using machinery

2 GROWTH OF INDUSTRY Inventions improved the transportation and communication networks that were vital to the nation’s industrial growth

3 RAILROAD TECHNOLOGY George Westinghouse – devised air brakes
Improved trains stopping Safer travels Eli H. Janney – created car couplers (linking cars) Gustavus Swift – developed refrigerated cars Able to ship meat and other perishable goods George M. Pullman – developed sleeping car Luxury overnight journeys Dining cars, new level of comfort CREATE AN AD WITH WORDS TO ANNOUNCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR

Telegraph – Samuel Morse (1844) – operators transmitted messages using Morse Code Typewriter – Christopher Sholes (1868) Telephone – Alexander Bell (1876) Phonograph – Thomas Edison (1877) Light bulb – Thomas Edison (1879) Box camera – George Eastman (1888) Vacuum Cleaner – John Thurman (1899)

5 THOMAS EDISON Phonograph – 1877 Movie Camera Electrical Vote Recorder
Universal Stock Ticker – 1869 Incandescent Light Bulb Carbon Microphone Mimeograph Dictating Machine Alkaline Battery Kinetoscope – 1889 Electric Pen – 1879 Talking Doll – 1890

6 HENRY FORD 1890s experimented with an automobile engine
1903 established auto making company designing cars 1908 – creates Model T Assembly line – workers perform assigned task in order to produce automobiles faster Mass Production – production of large quantities of goods using machinery and assembly line

7 OIL BUSINESS Oil rush in western PA
Uses: heat, light, lubricate machinery John D. Rockefeller – fortune from oil Standard Oil Company of Ohio- produced and used its own supplies (more efficient) Horizontal integration – combining competing firms into one corporation Rockefeller increased his control of the oil industry by creating a trust and a building a monopoly (the first) Trust – a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, to reduce competition Monopoly – total control of a type of industry by one person or one company

8 STEEL BUSINESS Steel became big business esp. for railroads, bridges, and many other products Henry Bessemer – new process creating cheaper more affordable steel Pittsburg, PA steel capital of US Andrew Carnegie, built a steel plant dominating the industry Vertical integration – acquiring companies that provided the equipment/services needed J. Pierpont Morgan bought Carnegie’s steel company combining it with other businesses creating the first billion-dollar corporation

9 LABOR MOVEMENT Working conditions in factories and mines were unhealthy Sweatshops – a factory where workers work long hours at low wages under unhealthy conditions Women workers were paid half of men’s wages for the same work Child workers were exploited Labor unions form to improve wages and working conditions Collective bargaining – discussion b/w an employer and union representatives of workers over wages, hours, and working conditions Labor union strikes sometimes resulted in violence

10 Review What inventions improved communication in the late 1800s?
What were 4 of Thomas Edison’s inventions? What improvements in railway transportation were brought about by new technology? How did horizontal integration differ from vertical integration?

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