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What is Money? And why is it important?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Money? And why is it important?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Money? And why is it important?

2 Greed is Good:

3 Characteristics and Functions of Money
Acceptable Portable Durable Divisible Uniform Scarce Medium of Exchange Standard of Value Store of Value

4 What does “Money” Look Like Now?
Cashless Society Cards Checks Money Orders EFT Income

5 Sources of Income—how money enters our life
Employment Investment Self-employment Rental income Profits Windfalls

6 Factors Influencing Income
Skills Level of Education Job opportunities Employment Benefits Recession/Depression Taxation Education Matters!


8 Paychecks!

9 What is in your Paycheck?
Gross Wage: (hours x hourly wage) (annual salary) Deductions Federal taxes State taxes FICA Medicare calculator.aspx

10 What is in your Paycheck cont.?
Exemptions Payroll allowances Benefits Tuition Reimbursement Pension/Retirement Health Insurance Non-contributory Benefits Vacation and Sick Days Loan on Future Paycheck



13 Paid Family Leave

14 Payday Loans

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