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Who We Are An inclusive, non-partisan, and rapidly growing movement of thousands of women in Israel Jewish and Arab women, secular and religious with diverse.

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Presentation on theme: "Who We Are An inclusive, non-partisan, and rapidly growing movement of thousands of women in Israel Jewish and Arab women, secular and religious with diverse."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who We Are An inclusive, non-partisan, and rapidly growing movement of thousands of women in Israel Jewish and Arab women, secular and religious with diverse political views and affiliation, from every part of the country.

3 Our Goal The implementation of a non-violent, honorable and bilaterally or regionally acceptable political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

4 Our Objectives (1) •To boost dramatically the number and diversity of Israelis supporting and promoting a negotiated agreement

5 Our Objectives (2) To influence the Israeli government to prioritize reaching a diplomatic agreement to the conflict

6 Our Objectives (3) To increase the number of women participating in all peace-related activities (as mandated by UN Security Council Resolution 1325, recognizing women’s skills in the processes of peace-making)

7 Our Principles Conduct only those actions that contribute to our objectives, are non-violent and abide by the law. Declare what we are “for” and not what we are “against” Non-partisan Support women’s leadership Pragmatic Increase diversity Grassroots, non-hierarchical movement You propose an idea – you implement it

8 Strategy Increase public awareness, with focus on diverse populations from various sectors Develop organizational infrastructure Engage with MKs and Ministers from all political parties Integrate women in all diplomatic processes

9 What We Do Meetings & outreach
Israeli women Communities Political leaders Organizations in Israel and abroad General public Palestinians Produce timely projects relevant to current events in the country

10 “Peace Train”: Launching WWP November 2014

11 Parlor Meetings

12 Election “Commando Unit”: 2015
“What is your party prepared to do to prevent the next war?”

13 Pre-Elections: Demonstrating at 40 Crossroads


15 Alternative Speech in Jerusalem to Netanyahu’s Presentation to the US Congress – March 2015

16 Swearing in of Elected Government – May 2015

17 From North to South: Formulating our Strategy

18 ‘Tsom Eitan’ 50 Days Fast Opposite the
Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem July-August 2015


20 Meetings with Prime Minister & Ms. Sarah Netanyahu

21 Forging Relations with Palestinian Women

22 Learning from Others

23 Travelling Tent: Project Outreach: Launched December 2015

24 Thank You! Join us
Like us in WomenWagePeace Help us continue to reach our goal

25 “Seek Peace and Pursue It” Psalm 34:14

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