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100-1 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 8~15, 16~24, and the Book of Job (part 1) Course by Fred Lee 2012, 05/11.

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Presentation on theme: "100-1 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 8~15, 16~24, and the Book of Job (part 1) Course by Fred Lee 2012, 05/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 100-1 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 8~15, 16~24, and the Book of Job (part 1)
Course by Fred Lee 2012, 05/11

2 David and Jonathan Two lovers? “thy love to me was wonderful,
passing the love of women. “ (1 Samuel 1:26) “Jonathan Lovingly Taketh His Leave of David” by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794~1872)

3 David saw Bathsheba David saw Bathsheba and planned to take her as his wife. His action had violated six out of the ten commandments. “Bathsheba at the bath” by Sebastiano Ricci

4 Sign of David The sign of David, or the shield of David (a hexagram, )
A Star-of- David tombstone The yellow badge, used to mark Jews in the reign of Nazi Germany The national flag of Israel

5 The City of David City of David (today’s Jerusalem) Mount Zion

6 City of David, referred to as “Zion”
An aerial map of Herodian Jerusalem and the area of Zion

7 King Solomon: the builder of the first temple
Solomon’s temple

8 The brief History of Israel after Solomon’s death (I)
Around 950 BCE, the kingdom split into a southern Kingdom of Judah and a northern Kingdom of Israel, which was later known as Samaria. The Kingdom of Israel was invaded by Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser III around 720 BCE and he sent many of its people into exile, thereby becoming the 'Lost Tribes of Israel'. The Samaritans claim to be descended from survivors of this destruction. The Philistine kingdoms was also destroyed. King Jehu of Israel doing homage to the Assyrian king Shalmaneser (British Museum)

9 The brief History of Israel after Solomon’s death (II)
Assyria was eventually conquered by Babylon in 612 BCE. In 586 BCE, King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon conquered the Kingdom of Judah and exiled the population to Babylon. According to the Bible, he also destroyed Solomon's Temple. “Destruction of the temple of Jerusalem” (1867) by by Francesco Hayez (1791~1882) Source: “The history of Israel” in Wikipedia at <

10 Job: the test from God Question: why bad things happens to good men?
What should a good man do when the devil took control over his life? “Job suffers under the devil” Credit: wikimedia

11 The story of Job The South Park version What happened to Job next?
Another version from a secular viewpoint

12 The three friends of Job
Job’s friends: what are their consolation to the old man Elihu the young man: what was is viewpoint on what happened to Job? Suffering Job and His Friends by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, engraving,

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