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Medico-legal Aspects of Death

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1 Medico-legal Aspects of Death
د/ عبد المنعم جودة مدبولى دكتوراة الطب الشرعي و السموم الإكلينيكية, مدرس الطب الشرعي و السموم الإكلينيكية, استشاري علاج التسمم بمستشفى بنها الجامعي عضو لجنة مراجعة البرامج و المقررات بوحدة الجودة

2 Definition of death Death Dying (Agony)

3 Cessation of life in a previously living organism…. تعريف جرائد.....
Permanent cessation of all vital functions of body. التعريف الطبي Is it an event or a process? …Explain? Is it an event or a process?

4 Phases of death: = death is a biological disintegration process:
SOMATIC (Recent death) …….. CELLULAR ( Molecular ): = death is a biological disintegration process:

5 هوما يعتمد عليه فى حساب توقت الوفاة التغيرات الرمية بعد الوفاة
Diagnosis of death Somatic death هوما يعتمد عليه فى حساب توقت الوفاة Cellular death التغيرات الرمية بعد الوفاة

6 Signs of respiratory arrest:
Diagnosis of somatic death: Difficult …….….why? - Death like state = Suspended animation Based on: ) Signs of respiratory arrest: 1- Inspection 2- Palpation Signs of circulatory arrest: 1- Auscultation 3- ECG Signs of CNS arrest Eye (ocular signs)

7 Other brain stem reflexes
Diagnostic tests of Brain stem function: - Barany’s test (Vestibulo-ocular R.) - Doll’s = Cantellis sign (Oculocephalic R.) + Other brain stem reflexes

8 Eye (ocular signs)

9 Diagnosis of cellular death: Easy ………………………. Why ?????
Based on: (PM Changes) Algor mortis = Cooling of body Rigor mortis = Stiffness of body Livor mortis = Hypostasis = Skin discoloration

10 Cause, Mechanism, Mode & Manner of death ”هبوط حاد فى الدوره الدمويه و التنفسيه”

11 Example: A man presented with acute chest pain. Ventricular Fibrillation was diagnosed as a result of acute Myocardial Infarction. Inspite of supportive measures he died 2 hours later. Past history revealed advanced coronary astheroma, chronic rhomatic heart disease.

12 Viral infection, Gunshot injury Head trauma. Cause of death: Def:
Initial (disease, injury or intoxication) that produce physiological disarrangement ending in death. Example: Viral infection, Gunshot injury Head trauma.

13 - Physiological disarrangement produced by cause ending in death.
Mechanism of death: Def: - Physiological disarrangement produced by cause ending in death. Example: - Hemorrhage, shock, infarction, embolism. N.B.: A cause of death may have several mechanisms…. (explain). A mechanism of death may result from several causes … (explain).

14 End result of any cause and mechanism of death.
Mode of death: Def: End result of any cause and mechanism of death. Types: Heart failure Respiratory failure CNS failure Remember Def. of death ???????????

15 - How cause of death came about………..
Manner of death: Def: - How cause of death came about……….. Types:

16 NB: 1- A cause of death may have several manners… 2- Manner of death is an opinion based on: - circumstances - autopsy - lab. analysis 3- Cause of death may be a disease and manner may be homicide …………………………. 4- classification of death as homicide is function of ……………………………… 5- but, classification of death as murder is function of ………………….. 6- the term homicide is not synonymous with murder.

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