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Reading comprehension of hypertexts

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1 Reading comprehension of hypertexts
Digital literacy in deaf and hard-of-hearing children Helen Blom, Msc Prof. dr. Ludo Verhoeven & Dr. Eliane Segers Prof. dr. Harry Knoors & Dr. Daan Hermans

2 Hypertexts?

3 Hypertext reading involves several skills…
Reading skills (Perfetti, 2007) Cognitive skills (Amadieu et al., 2009) Working memory skills (Destefano & Lefevre, 2007) Kloïs et al (2013)

4 Deaf children’s hypertext reading comprehension: unknown!
What do we know? Regular reading comprehension (Goldin-Meadow & Mayberry, 2001) Working memory capacity (Hintermair, 2013) Prior knowledge and vocabulary (Marschark & Wauters, 2008)  Are deaf children able to monitor their own reading path sufficiently and, as a consequence comprehend hypertexts?

5 Research project 1 Reading comprehension of hypertext versus regular texts in deaf vs. hearing children Including child factors (vocabulary, decoding, working memory, etc) Constructions of hypertexts that foster reading comprehension Hypertext structure Availability of text overview Reading strategies that are helpful in optimizing hypertext reading comprehension Use of tree graphs 2 3

6 Hiërarchical structure versus semantical structure

7 Availability of an overview

8 Research project 1 Reading comprehension of hypertext versus regular texts in deaf vs. hearing children Including child factors (vocabulary, decoding, working memory, etc) Constructions of hypertexts that foster reading comprehension Hypertext structure Availability of text overview Reading strategies that are helpful in optimizing hypertext reading comprehension Use of tree graphs 2 3

9 Participants 126 children (Mean age = 12,15): 27 deaf and hard-of-hearing children (Mean age = 13.77) 2 mainstream, 25 special education 22 age-matched hearing children (Mean age = 13.39) 77 reading level-matched hearing children (Mean age = 11.22)

10 Measures Reading comprehension of 4 texts (2 hypertexts and 2 linear digital texts) Multiple choice questions Drawing a mindmap Linguistic measures Word decoding Vocabulary Cognitive measures Nonverbal reasoning skills Verbal short term memory Verbal working memory Spatial short term memory




14 Measures Reading comprehension of 4 texts (2 hypertexts and 2 linear digital texts) Multiple choice questions Drawing a mindmap Linguistic measures Word decoding Vocabulary Cognitive measures Nonverbal reasoning skills Verbal short term memory Verbal working memory Spatial short term memory

15 Preliminary results Comparison D/HH children and reading level matched hearing children:

16 To be continued…. Analyses regarding the age-matched control group
Effect of child factors Study 2 & 3

17 Questions / suggestions?
Meet me at Booth 10 Wednesday: me:

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