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How to be a Successful Employee

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2 How to be a Successful Employee

3 How to be a successful Employee
Why? Integrity Reliability Personality Success

4 Your success is based on the success of the business.
Why? Your success is based on the success of the business. You are employed to make the business successful. This is good for you because: Permanent job status Better raises Pride in accomplishments More recognition from employer Greater job satisfaction

5 Integrity is being honest and doing what is morally right.
Be the employee that always tells the truth. Do what is right even when no one is watching. Have high moral standards: I will not lie. I will not steal from work. I will always complete my tasks honestly. Integrity honors your company, your bosses, and your coworkers. It is possible for a person who has no integrity to hide that from others, but only for a season. Eventually, the traits of a person’s character become known by others as time is spent with them ( ).

6 Reliability means being trustworthy and always doing your best work.
Arrive on time for work and do not leave early. Turn in work that you are proud of because it is high-quality. Complete projects on time. Do not use work time for personal activities. The more responsibility your hob has, the more opportunities you will have to decide on ethical and moral issues. Take the high road in your career. Decide that you will always tell the truth (134).

7 Personality Personality is the characteristics that make you the person that you are. Be a positive influence on co-workers. Don’t complain. Leave your problems at home. Don’t gossip. Be a person that others want to be around. By taking the initiative to do good deeds and to influence others, you will not only see your successes grow, you will also see them multiply (114).

8 Success will bring pride and honor to your family.
Why? Having Integrity, Reliability and a Good Personality at Work Will Make You Successful. Job Protection Success will bring pride and honor to your family.

9 Read Chapter 10

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