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QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2016/2017

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2 QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2016/2017
How reputed are the institutions among employers? Are the institutions nurturing high-achievers? How connected are institutions to companies? How attractive are an institutions recent graduates to employers? Responses from almost 38,000 employers were considered degrees and affiliations of over 20,000 high-achievers were mapped 70,000 employers' connections with graduates were considered over 180,000 work placement partnerships were evaluated

3 http://www. topuniversities

4 Performance in Mexico

5 Comparison

6 Employer Reputation Survey
QS Employer Survey, which measures the opinions of over 37,000 employers worldwide regarding which universities are producing the most skilled, and thus employable, graduates. Sources The results are based on the responses to a survey distributed worldwide to employers from a number of different sources: Previous Respondents QS Databases QS Partners Institution Supplied Lists Survey Sections Personal Details: Name, Company, Job Title, Industry, Department, Extent of recruitment responsibilities. Knowledge Specification: Country (indicate which country they have most familiarity with rather than the country where they are based) Region (define the list of institutions from which the respondent can select, these are Americas; Asia, Australia & New Zealand; and Europe, Middle East & Africa), Faculty Area (select one or more faculty areas in which they consider their expertise to lie. These are Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Sciences & Medicine; Natural Sciences; and Social Sciences.) Field (up to two specific fields that best define their academic expertise) Top Domestic Institutions (identify up to ten domestic institutions they consider best for recruiting graduates.) Top International Institutions (identify up to thirty international institutions they consider best for recruiting graduates. The list consists solely of institutions from the region(s) with which they express familiarity in section 2.) Additional Information:  feedback on previous publications and the importance of various measures in evaluating universities.

7 Partnerships with Employers - Methodology
Joint publications in Scopus with Top 2000 companies in (12.5%) Forbes 2,000 biggest companies.  . Employment-related partnership (12.5%) Summarize the number of official partnerships a university has with employers; only companies are considered for this indicator. Examples of partnerships include fast-track job applications, internship offers, and work placements, all of which increase student proximity to employers and are proven to enhance employability. Universities and governments (including ministries and other agencies controlled by governments) are excluded.

8 Employers' Student Connections - Methodology
This indicator identifies the number of employers who are actively present on a university’s campus, providing students with an opportunity to build networks and acquire information. This ‘active presence’ may take the form of participating in careers fairs, organizing company presentations, or any other self-promoting activities on the part of employers. After a thorough validation, the figures were converted into a ratio between the number of distinct employers on campus and the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Students.

9 Latin American Universities in QS GER

10 Partnership with Employers Employer Student Connections
Latin American Universities in QS GER Employer Reputation Partnership with Employers Employer Student Connections

11 Acciones CVC Employer Reputation Survey
Listado de empleadores para encuesta – Incremento de reputación Partnerships with Employers Registro de internships / vacantes Employers' Student Connections Registro de eventos, pláticas, cualquier envento en donde esté la empresa presente en Campus



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