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Networking as a factor for technology commercialization

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1 Networking as a factor for technology commercialization
Dr. Marta Rosa Kane International Affairs Expert President, Business Science Consultants, Ltd. Research Associate, University of Montpellier III (France) Research Affiliate, The University of Texas at Austin

2 Step 1: Build your profile
Include a professional looking photo Include a summary (most people will look at it, fewer will look at the details below it) Include at least the 5 most recent years of professional experience with quantified achievements Include at least your most advanced degree and the educational institution that granted it For all company names and schools or universities attended, make sure to use the same wording that already exists on LinkedIn. This will allow to display the official logos. Most people scroll profiles quickly and only look at logos and job titles

3 Step 2: Invite the people who know you in your network
Enter the name of a current or former business acquaintance in the LinkedIn search bar Once you find his or her profile, click on “Connect” In the invitation, enter a message reminding the person where you know him or her from

4 Step 3: Increase the credibility of your profile
Get written recommendations from people who know you well professionally (supervisors, peers, subordinates, clients, suppliers, partners) List your major skills and get endorsements from people in a position to assess those competencies Note: Only people in your contacts can endorse you.

5 Step 4: Invite your contacts’ contacts
Look at the most connected contacts within your contacts (LinkedIn will mention the number of contacts, up to 500) If their contact list is open, look through it and invite people in your target area of expertise you think will want to connect to you Tip: Look for people with whom you already have many common contacts

6 What to do if their contact list is hidden?
Look at the highest number of skill endorsements and click on the arrow to the right of the line of photos Scroll through the list of endorsers and invite those you think will accept your invitation Tip: If you are not sure they will, you can ask your common contact to introduce you

7 Finding potential contacts on LinkedIn groups
On the main search bar, enter a topic followed by the word “Group”. The displayed result will be a list of LinkedIn groups about that topic Click on a group of interest to you. The information displayed includes the group’s administrators (usually good target contacts) and the list of contacts you already have who belong to the group (look at their contacts)

8 From a LinkedIn network to business relationships
Your LinkedIn contacts are not just names, they are people you should communicate with. Don’t wait until you need something to interact with your contacts: When someone accepts your connection, send a quick note to thank him or her When you accept someone’s connection, send a short message to welcome him or her into your network If your schedule allows, offer to have a brief phone call or Skype session to get to know each other and explore synergies Offer to help others by introducing them to some people in your network Keep the dialogue open from time to time When LinkedIn notifies you that someone changed job or has a birthday, congratulate him or her Send New Year wishes, providing a brief update on your side and ask for the same from your contacts

9 Conclusion LinkedIn is a great tool to build a global professional network The more time and energy you put into it, the more you will get in return Beware of fake profiles: avoid accepting contact requests from people unlikely to want to connect with you (e.g. the Chairman of a big bank with very few contacts) Establish a real relationship with as many contacts as you can BEFORE you need something from them. Some will become good friends overtime.

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