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Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam

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1 Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam
Blanco On behalf of HADES RPC Group Sixth framework programme

2 Outlook HADES spectrometer RPCs in HADES
Intrinsic RPC performance in Au + Au 1.15 AGeV - Time resolution, time tails and longitudinal spatial resolution Calibration and PID plot Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

3 Large acceptance, high precision and rate capability
HADES spectrometer The investigation of hadron properties inside nuclear matter at normal and high densities and temperatures is one of the main goals of current nuclear physics studies. Under these conditions, considerable modifications of basic hadron properties (masses, decay widths, etc.) are expected. Large acceptance, high precision and rate capability Shower RPC TOF Magnet MDC IV MDC III MDC II RICH MDC I Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

4 HADES spectrometer Located at: Darmstadt, Germany.
Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

5 8 m2 HADES spectrometer. RPC-TOF Located at: Darmstadt, Germany. Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

6 loss probability below 20%
HADES spectrometer. RPC-TOF Multi - hit capability hit - loss probability below 20% Time resolution 100 ps ( s ) or better Rate capability up to 1 kHz/cm 2 in some areas Efficiency above 95% for single hits Area ~8/6 m2/sector Fundamental option: shielded detectors, Cells Independent hits in terms of timing  robust multihit performance Cluster size ~ 1  efficient use of the electronics channels Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

7 Fully electrically shielded
The HADES RPC Cells mm x 4 gaps Minimum for good efficiency 2 mm aluminum and glass electrodes Minimize amount of glass for maximum rate capability Try to keep good mechanics - Heat – tolerant materials Fully electrically shielded Aluminum Spring-loaded pressure plate Glass HV & readout in the center Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

8 Sector segmentation 3 Columns t1 32 Rows t2 2 layers
- 186 cells/sector distributed in 32 rows and 6 columns, 3 on top and 3 on bottom (2 layers) cell in total 124 different cells with variable width, length and shape Read out at both sides T = (t1 + t2)/2 X = t1 – t2 Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

9 FEE and DAQ DAQ based on a 128 ch multihit TDC
[TNS 58 vol , 1745] FEE based on Philips BGM1013 G = 35.5 dB, BW = 2 GHz, NF = 4.5dB [TNS 57 vol , 2848] Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati


11 First Au + Au test run in HADES
Intrinsic RPC performance. Au AGeV First Au + Au test run in HADES Multihit environment <n> ~ 15 Multiplicity/sector One Au + Au collision from HGeant simulation package Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

12 Vprop/2 [(t1-t2)/2 – (t’1-t’2)/2] =
Intrinsic RPC performance. Analysis Overlapped cells t1 t’1 t2 t’2 Time difference T = (t1+t2)/2 – (t’1+t’2)/2 Time resolution σ t= σ(T)/√2 Position difference X = Vprop/2 [(t1-t2)/2 – (t’1-t’2)/2] = Vprop/2[X1-X2] Longitudinal position resolution σ x= σ(X)/√2 Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

13 Position and charge information used to correct time
Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, corrections. Position and charge information used to correct time 5 Corrected < σ t> = 111 ps < σ t> = 104 ps No corrected 2.5 ΔT (ns) -0.5 -5 1.5 X1 position (ns) X1 position (ns) Corrected No corrected < σ t> = 74 ps 1 0.5 0.5 ΔT (ns) -0.5 -1 Q1 (A.U) Q1 (A.U) Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

14 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution
Requirement 100ps Homogeneous time resolution < 100 ps <σt> = 80 ps σ t (ps) Row number σ t (ps) Sector 2 Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

15 All channels have a resolution well below 100 ps
Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution 81 ps 80 ps 79 ps 82 ps 78 ps σ t (ps) Row number S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S6 < σ t Global> = 80 ps All channels have a resolution well below 100 ps < σ t> Requirement 100ps Out of a total of 1116 cell, 1114 are operative along with 2232 FEE Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

16 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, multihit
Multihit time resolution All events σ t (ps) Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

17 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, multihit
Multihit time resolution Selection of a standard hit (hit in overlapped cells) + at least other valid hit in the same row n+1 n n-1 Row Second hit in the same row All events σ t (ps) Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

18 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, multihit
Multihit time resolution Selection of a standard hit (hit in overlapped cells) + at least other valid hit in a cell located beyond 4 rows Second hit in the same row All events Second hit in  4th row σ t (ps) Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

19 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, multihit
Multihit time resolution Neighbor in the same row Neighbor in the  4th row Standard analysis Au AGeV σ t (ps) Neighbor hit has no impact Sector 2 Distance (rows) to the neighbor hit Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

20 Crosstalk probability
Intrinsic RPC performance. Crosstalk Log scale !! Crosstalk probability Crosstalk to row Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

21 Intrinsic RPC performance. Crosstalk
Log scale !! Crosstalk probability Crosstalk to row Sort range affecting only the nearest rows Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

22 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time resolution, Plow, Phigh, π+
<σt>=70 ps Plow energy <σt>= 50 ps Phigh energy <σt>= 64 ps Beta p * q (Mev/c) Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

23 Intrinsic RPC performance. Time tails
PRELIMINAR !!! <T300>=0.04 Tails left Tails right T300 T700 <T700>=0.02 Tails left Tails right Symmetric left and right time tails. σt (ps) T700 Average for all sectors <T300> = 3.6% <T700> = 1.7% Sector 2 Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

24 Suppression of the tails in one side
Intrinsic RPC performance. Time tails, double layer advantages Tail cancellation using redundant information (overlapping of cells) at a cost of efficiency Suppression of the tails in one side Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

25 Intrinsic RPC performance. Spatial resolution
Homogeneous longitudinal position resolution < 10 mm σ 8.9 mm σ x(mm) Row number σ x(mm) Sector 2 Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

26 Intrinsic RPC performance. Spatial resolution
8.7 mm 8.9 mm 9.1 mm 8.8 mm 8.1 mm 8.6 mm < σ x> σ x (mm) S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S6 Row number < σ x Global> = 8.9 mm Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

27 Raw <TOF> positioned around 8 ns
System RPC performance. Time calibration Different offsets of individual cells must be corrected to create a isochronous surface. Protons are used since covers almost all the detector surface with high statistics. Raw <TOF> positioned around 8 ns S2 BC Raw calibrated TOF from RPC TOFmeasured <TOF> (ns) Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

28 *assuming all particles protons.
System RPC performance. Time calibration Different offsets of individual cells must be corrected to create a isochronous surface. Protons are used since covers almost all the detector surface with high statistics. Raw calibrated TOF from RPC TOFmeasured ToF Calibration constant Momentum (p) and path length (L) from tracking Momentum cut at 0.9 GeV (avoid Mult.Scat) TOFestimated* = L/v = =L*mp/p *assuming all particles protons. Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

29 TOFmeasured- TOFestimated for one RPC cell
System RPC performance. Time calibration Different offsets of individual cells must be corrected to create a isochronous surface. Protons are used since covers almost all the detector surface with high statistics. Peak due protons Calibration constant Failed mass hypothesis TOFmeasured- TOFestimated for one RPC cell Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

30 System RPC performance. Time calibration
Different offsets of individual cells must be corrected to create a isochronous surface. Protons are used since covers almost all the detector surface with high statistics. <TOF> after calibration S2 BC Raw calibrated TOF from RPC TOFmeasured ToF Calibration constant Momentum (p) and path length (L) from R-K Momentum cut at 0.9 GeV (avoid Mult.Scat) TOF* = L/v = =L*mp/p *supposing all particles protons. <TOF> (ns) Row number Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

31 System RPC performance. PID
Beta p * q (Mev/c) Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

32 Conclusions RPC-TOF fully integrated in the HADES spectrometer
and commissioned in Au + Au beam Uniform time resolution <80> ps σ in a Au + Au environment, fullfilling the desing requirements Ready for production beam time (April 2012). Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam A. Blanco RPC2012, 5-10 Feb 2012 Frascati

33 HADES RPC Group GSI D. Gonzalez W. Koenig LIP
A. Blanco N. Carolino O. Cunha P. Fonte L. Lopes A. Mangiarotti A. Pereira C. Silva C.C. Sousa USC D. Belver P. Cabanelas E. Castro J.A. Garzón G. Kornakov M. Zapata IFIC-Valencia J. Diaz A. Gil

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