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Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

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1 Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water
Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

2 Why do we eat? To sustain physical well-being or to keep us fit
To sustain energy To regulate body functions To sustain growth or body cells & tissues To alleviate hunger

3 In order to survive, the human body needs the nutrients found in food
In order to survive, the human body needs the nutrients found in food. These nutrients, which perform a number of life-sustaining functions in the body, are divided into six main categories: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water. Each has a unique function in the normal growth and functioning of the body.

4 Carbohydrates Energy giving nutrient which include starches, fiber and sugars The body's preferred source of energy Excess is stored in the form of glycogen (stored sugar), excess glycogen is stored as fat. One gram carbohydrates = 4 calories

5 Role of Carbohydrates Convert to glucose (body’s chief fuel)
stored in liver and muscles as glycogen, as needed converted back to glucose Source of Fiber

6 2 types of carbohydrates
Simple CHO Sugars Fructose: fruit Lactose: milk Maltose: grain Sucrose: table sugar Complex CHO Starches Rice Grains Seeds/nuts Legumes

7 FIBER provides little energy and can not be digested by humans
Increases the amount of fluid and bulk in your digestive tract Important to eliminate waste from the large intestine Great Sources Vegetables Fruits Whole grain breads and cereals

8 Protein Made up of amino acids which are needed to build and repair body structures and regulate process in the body Build new tissue throughout life to replace the damaged or worn out tissues. Vital part of every cell Excess protein are converted to fat for storage One gram of Protein = 4 calories Made of chains of building blocks called Amino acids

9 Amino Acids (protein) Building blocks that join together to form specific proteins Essential Amino Acids- are not manufactured by the body, they must be in the food you eat. Great Food Sources Meat Poultry Fish Milk Cheese Beans

10 Fat Most concentrated form of energy storage in the body
-delivers more than twice the energy of CHO or Protein They are a type of lipid (does not dissolve in water)

11 2 types of Fats Saturated: Are solid at room temperatures
Usually come from animals Associated with heart disease Ex: beef, pork, egg yolks, and dairy foods, butter, Crisco Unsaturated: Usually liquid at room temperature Vegetable fats Can reduce risk of heart diseases Ex: corn oil, vegetable oil, olive oil

12 Role of Fat Carry vitamins A, D, E, K Add flavor in food
Satisfy hunger One gram of Fat = 9 calories Body fat provides cushion for vital organs and insulation

13 Cholesterol Fatlike substance found in all human and animal tissues.
Cholesterol is not a main (key) nutrient High-density lipoprotein “good” helps remove from body Low-density lipoprotein when gets to high, plaque builds up on walls of blood vessels Body can make what it needs Also found in egg yolks, whole milk, fatty red meats

14 Vitamins Contain carbon and are micronutrients because they are needed in small amounts to help maintain health and allow growth 13 vitamins play a key role -vitamins D is the only one produced by the body

15 2 categories of Vitamins
Water Soluble Dissolve in water -Vitamin C -Vitamin B Excess amounts come out in your pee Fat Soluble They are absorbed and transported by fat -Vitamins A, D, E and K Mainly from plants

16 Vitamin Deficiency Diseases
Scurvy – Lack of Vitamin C Sever bleeding of the gums, pain in the joints Rickets – Lack of Vitamin D Poor formation of bones

17 Minerals Micronutrients that are chemical elements needed for certain body process, such as enzyme activity and bone formations Each has a unique purpose During teen years iron is very important because you are growing Zinc helps with healing

18 *Anemia -iron deficiency that may cause you to feel tired
Important Minerals Iron Found in hemoglobin that attracts oxygen Sources are meat, dried beans and eggs *Anemia -iron deficiency that may cause you to feel tired

19 Osteoporosis – in adults
Calcium Helps develop and maintain bone strength, muscle contraction, and blood clotting Sources are dairy products *calcium deficiencies Rickets – in children Osteoporosis – in adults

20 Three other important Minerals
Sodium, Chloride, Potassium -Electrolytes -Help maintain balance of body fluids in cells Sources: Bananas, potatoes, orange juice, Sports drinks

21 Water Most essential nutrient
Carries nutrients to and waste materials out of the body Regulates body temperature Helps with digestion Sources: Soup, Milk, Juice, Fruits

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