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Interactive Notebooks

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1 Interactive Notebooks
for Ms. Freeman's Class

2 What is an Interactive Notebook (iBook)?
is like a personalized textbook that you create helps you keep your notes organized and easy to use is a portfolio to showcase what you've learned in math class

3 What's the Point? to help you learn and remember important math concepts allow you to show what you've learned using the RIGHT side of the notebook to react, reflect, organize, and interpret what's on the LEFT side of the notebook

4 How Does an iBook Work? Your iBook is set up with a left-side/right side orientation. The left side is for input, or information that is given to you by Ms. Freeman The right side is for output, this is where you process what you have learned.

5 What Do I Need to Get Started?
To make your iBook, you'll need the following materials: composition book    colored pencils scissors  highlighter tape

6 How Will I Be Graded? You are responsible for:
making sure your iBook has all items (even when you are absent) assignments class work notes etc. keeping Table of Contents up to date    keeping notebook neat and organized You can take the iBook home, but it MUST be brought to class EVERY DAY


8 Never rip pages out of your iBook!

9 What Happens If I Am Absent?
See a trusted friend to copy notes Check Ms. Freeman’s copy of the iBook to see what yours should look like

10 What If I Lose My Interactive Notebook?
Tell me as soon as possible! Do not quit working on assignments Come to school early or stay after school to get help rebuilding your notebook  Collect interactive tools from Ms. Freeman and work from posted examples on weebly pages

11 Let’s start setting up your iBook!
First, tape the signed contract to the inside front cover. Second, write “My iBook” on the first lined page (you will decorate/draw on this later)

12 Let’s start setting up your iBook!
Next, we are going to make a Table of Contents Make 3 columns Label them: Date, Topic, and Page # Using front & back of each page, make 5 of these pages!

13 Now we can start numbering pages!
Your first page should be on the RIGHT hand side after completing 5 table of contents pages – write “1” in the upper right hand corner When you turn the page, write “2” in the upper left hand corner of the left page Continue numbering (front & back) through page 11 Homework: Number all pages in the iBook!

14 Let’s make the first entry….
Go to the first page of the Table of Contents (TOC) On the first line we will make the first entry: Fill in 8-22 The topic is: iBook Rubric The page number is: 1

15 3. Now turn to page one and title the page:
iBook Rubric 4. Tape a copy of the rubric to the page (You can trim/cut the edges however you like, just be careful not to cut the rubric itself!) You are welcome to come back to this page and decorate any way you choose.

16 Homework for the weekend:
 1. Design your cover page 2. Finish numbering ALL pages (remember: odd numbers should be on the right hand pages) 3. Tape signed contract to inside front cover if you did not do this today.

17 Homework check: Did you….
 1. Get parent’s signature on the contract? 2. Finish numbering ALL pages? 3. Complete page 1 – iBook Rubric?

18 iBook page 2 Follow directions quickly! Make an entry in your TOC
Date: 8-25 Topic: Class Rules & Procedures Page #: 2-3 2. Turn to page 2 and title the page: Class Rules 3. Title page 3: Procedures 4. Focus on completing page 2 today. Cut out rules squares and write each rule on the proper square. 5. You can tape on the page any way you choose. I chose to use it as a flip book. My example is on the next slide.

19 iBook page 2 Follow directions quickly! My example (in steps):
Near the bottom of the page, I taped in Rule 5, using the dotted line as a guide for the tape. I placed Rule 4 on top of Rule 5, leaving a little of Rule 5 page sticking out at the bottom. I continued this process until all pages were attached.

20 Golf Ball Activity! Follow directions quickly!
Before we begin, we need an entry in the TOC! Turn to your TOC, and skip 1 line (there should be 1 blank line between ‘Class & Procedures’ and this new entry) Enter today’s date: 8-25 topic: golf ball activity page: 6-7 4. Turn to page 6 and title the page: Golf Ball Activity

21 Get the instructions! Golf Ball Activity! Follow directions quickly!
Write down the information for page 6: Don’t worry about the border! You can go back later and give this page a border if you choose. Get the instructions!

22 Get the instructions! Golf Ball Activity! Follow directions quickly!
Now set up page 7: Don’t worry about the border! You can go back later and give this page a border if you choose. Get the instructions! Hint: We will discuss the question AFTER the activity.

23 iBook page 3 Follow directions quickly!
You made the entry for this page Monday (Class Rules & Procedures) 2. Turn to page 3, it should be titled: Procedures 3. Tape both pieces onto page 3 4. Cut on the lines to create 5 small rectangles on each. 5. Label the 2nd strip: Assignment heading; Games & Materials; Free Choice Time; Early Finishers (leave last one blank) 6. Under each small rectangle, write the appropriate procedure.

24 iBook page 3 Follow directions quickly!
Tape the edge “Procedures” to the page. Then cut on the lines to make 5 smaller rectangles. Hand write the procedures directly under each rectangle. Repeat steps for the other set.

25 iBook page 4 & 5 Follow directions quickly!
Make an entry in your TOC (this goes ABOVE the golf ball container entry) Date: 8-27 Topic: Multiplication Table & Divisibility Rules Page #: 4 – 5 2. Turn to page 4 and title the page: Multiplication Table Tape Multiplication Table to page 3. Title page 5: Divisibility Rules Let’s talk division! Homework: Using a highlighter and the hundreds chart for each number, highlight the multiples for each number.

26 iBook page 5: Divisibility Rules
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:

27 iBook page 5: Divisibility Rules

28 iBook page 8 Follow directions quickly! Make an entry in your TOC
Date: 8-28 Topic: Math Operation Clue Words Page #: 8-9 2. Turn to page 8 and title page: Math Operation Clue Words 3. Cut out the foldable; fold in half both ways to find the middle of the page; fold outer corners into the middle. 4. Label each outside flap with an operation, until all four have been used. Addition +, Subtraction - , Multiplication ● , Division ÷

29 iBook page 8 Let’s brainstorm! Addition + Subtraction –
Multiplication ● Division ÷

30 Complete the foldable - Addition

31 Complete the foldable - Subtraction

32 Complete the foldable - Multiplication

33 Complete the foldable - Division

34 Finished Foldable

35 iBook page 9 Homework: 1. Create one word problem for each operation.
2. Label parts of each problem. 3. Show the solution!

36 Left-Side/Right-Side Setup
Left Side (Input) Learning Goal: this will be the actual language of the CC Standard Interactive tool for the concept this can include definitions, other tools and examples Right Side (Output)  Learning Goal: this is the goal in your own words What I Know: 1-2 sentences on what you know already What I Learned: 1-2 sentences explaining any new information learned Proof: sample problem; explain with pictures and words, too! Reflection:  reflect any way you choose – for example….

37 Traffic Light Comprehension Dot
When you have finished with your reflection, place a comprehension dot next to the page number. GREEN: Go! Good to move on: if you were able to understand & complete the work without any problems. YELLOW: Wait! Check before moving on: if you were able to understand & complete the work with only a few problems. RED: Stop! Get help before moving on: if you found the work difficult to understand & complete.

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