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Mathematical Rigor?.

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1 Mathematical Rigor?

2 Outcomes Participants will:
Make connections between the Student’s Standards of Mathematical Practices and the Effective High- Leverage Instructional Teaching Practices for Mathematics. Identify the differences between rigorous and non-rigorous mathematical tasks.

3 Defining Rigor in Math Fluency: Efficient and Flexible
Deep Understanding: Conceptual Application: Real World Context Handout 1.

4 Think about it…. Effective teaching is the non-negotiable core that ensures that all students learn mathematics at high rigorous levels. NCTM Principles to Actions, 2014

5 Remember the Math Practice Standards?
Student Math Practices 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice Look Fors for Teachers… Handout 2

6 Activity What is one non-negotiable practice every teacher must demonstrate effectively? Make a foldable. As a table group identify your top eight teacher practices. Write one in each box of the foldable.

7 Mathematics Teaching Practices
There are Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices which provide a framework for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics. This research-informed framework of teaching and learning reflects the principles of learning, that provide the foundation for effective mathematics teaching. These Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices, represent a core set of high- leverage practices and essential teaching skills necessary to promote deep learning of mathematics. Principles to Actions, 2014 p.9

8 8 Teaching Standards for Mathematical Practice
8 Effective High-Leverage Instructional Teaching Practices for Mathematics Establish mathematics goals to focus learning Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving Use and connect mathematical representations Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse Pose purposeful questions Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding Support productive struggle in learning mathematics Elicit and use evidence of student thinking 8 Teaching Standards for Mathematical Practice Handout 3

9 Which classroom is providing rigor?

10 What does rigor look like in the classroom?
A Rigorous Environment Rigorous Assignments In a rigorous learning environment, educators exhibit a greater concern for quality rather than quantity as well as conceptual thinking rather than memorization. Math Teaching Practices Rigor is not characterized by more work, but more meaningful work that is intellectually challenging and thought provoking to the age of the child. Math Student Practices Rigor and Engagement for Growing Minds, Bertie Kingore (2013)

11 Study the following assignment. Does this look familiar
Study the following assignment. Does this look familiar? Where is the rigor in this assignment or task? Handout 4

12 This is a rigorous math assignment for comparing and ordering fractions. Study the following assignment. How is it different from your typical compare and order worksheet? What makes this a rigorous assignment or task? Handout 4 Not more stuff, but deeper thinking.

13 Student Evidence Study the explanations given for the fraction chosen in each pair. What evidence from the student’s work proves this was a rigorous assignment? What makes this a rigorous assignment or task? This Handout 5

14 Increasing rigor….. Friday Night Football
3 5 of Central High students attend the football game. 3 4 of South High students attend the football game. Model the following situations…. a) More Central students attend the game than South. b) More South students attend the game than Central. c) The same number of students from Central and South attend the game.

15 Reflect about Rigor …. True or False
Rigor is scaffolding student’s thinking. Rigor is harder worksheets. Rigorous instructional tasks must always have a real-world context. Mathematical reasoning is a component of rigor. Rigor is providing higher grade content.

16 Next Steps What is working? What is not working?
What do I want to do to make it work better? What support do I still need?

17 Resources

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