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Bond 2017 Capital Projects Linda Degman | January 19, 2017.

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2 Bond 2017 Capital Projects Linda Degman | January 19, 2017

3 Project selection and engagement process:
Outgrowth of the 2008 Bond Program Consideration of general fund needs for any new facilities Engaged stakeholders at each location to understand program needs Leveraging of State funds Ongoing Board discussions

4 Health Professions: Inter-professional Training Center
Unites PCC current/future allied health programs credit, non-credit, for training in simulated acute care setting environment. 4-story 53K sq ft building likely situated at Climb Center Scope for 3 floors: Simulation labs Classrooms-could include large multi-purpose room for large seminars Computer labs Small staff space 4th floor may be new permanent IT home

5 Metro Center (42nd & Killingsworth)
Project would include removal of 2 buildings for a 2 story 50K sq. ft. facility. 3 acre site, which lends itself to other possibilities. • Scope: • Classrooms Faculty offices DHS partners • May include: Housing Public/private partnerships

6 Sylvania HT (Health Technology) building Renovation
Ask to the State for $8M to help fund this project - 4th on list going into legislative session. • Scope: • “Gutting” entire east side 3-story tower New, larger and upgraded biology labs New, expanded nursing labs, classrooms New, expanded radiography labs, classrooms Additional general purpose classrooms Re-do of locker rooms on west side Add all-gender locker and shower facilities

7 Cascade Public Safety Building
Tear down, replacement of old dental clinic that was purchased at the beginning of the 2000 Bond. This building houses the CAS public safety team. • Scope: • New 2,500 square foot 1-story building Provides appropriate space for program needs Better access for public safety department and visitors Adds ADA parking stall at building

8 Willow Creek Center Assess and renovate first floor into a workforce training center to meet the needs of manufacturing training in Washington County. • Scope: • Renovate 6-8,000 square feet of space on north side of building. New flexible lab space built out for potential manufacturing training

9 Site Work: Sylvania • Scope: • New campus entry Bus hub
Parking lot safety measures Pedestrian pathways Rock Creek Scope: Building out the event center gravel lot into approved lot

10 Infrastructure: Information Technology Upgrades • Scope: •
Scheduled Maintenance Scope: Mechanical upgrades Electrical upgrades Safety and Security Access control Video surveillance

11 Other: Housing feasibility study Scope:
Assessment of student needs across district Market conditions Potential financing, public/private, etc. Staffing, Escalation (inflation), Bond sales, etc.

12 Costs: *This number needs to be higher. $175M
--Inter-professional health training center: $28M --Metro Center rebuild $25M --Sylvania HT Renovation $22M Total cost is $30M ($8M from State) --Cascade Public Safety $3M --Willow Creek Renovation $3M --Site work Sylvania $8M Rock Creek event center parking $2M --Infrastructure: Maintenance, IT, Safety/Security $70M --Housing Feasibility $200K TOTAL Project Costs: $161,200,000 Staffing, Escalation (inflation), Bond sales, etc. $14M* *This number needs to be higher $175M

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