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The Electromagnetic Calorimetry of the PANDA Detector at FAIR

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1 The Electromagnetic Calorimetry of the PANDA Detector at FAIR
R.Novotny II.Physics Institute, University Giessen, Germany and for the PANDA collaboration the overall concept the target spectrometer the PWO-II crystals read-out concept performance the forward spectrometer the design concept performance down to low energies summary and outlook July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

2 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Primary beams: SIS100/300 p: ·1013/s up to 29 GeV U28+: 1012/s up to 2.7 GeV/u U92+: 1010/s up to 35 GeV/u Secondary beams RIBs up to 2 GeV/u Antiprotons up to 15 GeV Storage and cooler rings Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Darmstadt, Germany Nuclear structure & astrophysics Nuclear matter physics Hadron Plasma Atomic July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

3 the PANDA detector at FAIR
Target Spectrometer 4p detector for spectroscopy and reaction dynamics with antiprotons barrel ~11.000 endcaps ~4.000 crystals PWO-II 200mm (23Xo) photon detection with high resolution over a large dynamic range: 10MeV < Eg < 15GeV high count-rate capability (2∙107 Annihilations/s) nearly 4p coverage sufficient radiation hardness timing information for trigger-less DAQ concept shashlyk-type Sampling Calorimeter July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

4 the Target Spectrometer: based on high-quality PWO-II
July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

5 quality control and performance
July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

6 optical transmission light yield @RT radiation hardness July 8, 2012
CALOR R.W.Novotny

7 overall quality: July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

8 the Target Spectrometer: Barrel
16 slices pointing off-target crystals 200mm long (22Xo) 2 x 11 tapered shapes July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

9 the Target Spectrometer: Forward Endcap
comprising 3864 crystals July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

10 photosensors: Large Area Avalanche Photo Diodes (LAAPD) CMS 5x5mm2
in collaboration with Hamamatsu Photonics CMS 5x5mm2 10x10mm2 new excellent performance at RT and T = –25oC radiation resistent up to 1013 protons in particular at T = -25oC final concept: LAAPDs/crystal, separately readout dimensions 7 x 14 mm2 July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

11 vacuum photo triodes / tetrodes VPT
photosensors: vacuum photo triodes / tetrodes VPT to adapt to higher countrates (>500kHz) in forward direction faster response – better timing options under development RIE St. Petersburg, Russia Tetrode (photo cathode, 2 dynodes, anode) G = 24 – 45 QE = 14 – 20% July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

12 development of low noise, low power preamplifiers
design of descrete components for prototype studies 18mm ASIC (APFEL) large dynamic range 2 channels/ 2 ranges overall range 1 – noise level (cooled) << 2 MeV July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

13 prototype performance
optimized light output: PWO-II cooling: operation at T=-25oC prototype performance response to high energy photons 64 MeV < Eg 1.5 GeV g‘s e- tagged photon facility @ MAMI, Mainz extension to energies < MaxLab readout with photomultiplier Eg=43.3MeV Eg= 26 MeV readout with photomultiplier July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

14 prototype performance PROTO 60
photon beam crystals in PANDA geometry readout with single LAAPD only quad preamplifier LED based monitoring system temperature stabilization <0.05oC July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

15 prototype performance PROTO 60
counts incident photon energy / MeV deposited energy / MeV 158 MeV 858 MeV 1.44 GeV s / E / % digitization: shaping /peak-sensing ADC July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

16 readout via SADC: further improvement
energy-resolution ( 3x3 matrix ) time resolution 1 ns July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

17 prototype performance PROTO 60 15 GeV positrons
s/E= 1.4% s(x,y)~1mm July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

18 consequences of cooling:
fast decay kinetics even at T=-25oC LY(100ns)/LY(1µs) > 0.9 constant ratio LY(-25oC)/LY(+18oC) = 3.9 „no“ recovery of radiation damage at T=-25oC asymptotic light loss correlated with Dk (RT) T= -25°C RT / m-1 rel. light 25oC / % July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

19 recovery of radiation damage @RT
@T= -25oC applied integral dose of 60Co: D = 30Gy July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny 19 19

20 implications for EMC operation
July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

21 1 supermodule = 4 submodules
forward EMC Pb S lateral dimensions of one supermodule: (110 x 110) mm² scintillator thickness: mm lead absorber thickness: mm number of absorber layers: number of WLS fibers: total weight: kg eff. radiation – length: X0 = 34.9 mm eff. Molier – radius: ρM = 59.8 mm Shashlyk module: 1 supermodule = 4 submodules - scintillator tiles - readout of fibers with PMTs July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

22 forward EMC July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

23 forward EMC test @ A2-MAMI tagged photons July 8, 2012
CALOR R.W.Novotny

24 forward EMC but! reconstructed amplitude depends on position
+ time resolution: ~ 100ps/SQRT(E) + position resolution: ~ 1 cm longitudinal nonlinearity July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

25 forward EMC test @ Protvino electrons July 8, 2012
CALOR R.W.Novotny

26 many thanks for your attention ….
conclusion and outlook: many thanks for your attention …. final construction will start in 2013 … to be ready in 2017 completion of scintillators major uncertainty July 8, 2012 CALOR R.W.Novotny

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