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What A Righteous Father Will Do

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1 What A Righteous Father Will Do
Luke 15:11-32

2 Introduction Parenting requires stedfast, unwavering determination and commitment to “train up a child in the way that he should go.” “Training” is not simply teaching them – although teaching is essential to training. Training is quite demanding. Quite frankly, it takes a certain kind of “heart” – a heart of love, of conviction, and of courage – to be the father and the parent that God expects us to be. The Bible has much to say about parenting – about being a father, a mother, and even some things that pertain to being a grandparent.

3 A Familiar Story – Luke 15:11-32
Emphasis and application is often focused on the prodigal son. Certainly, there are many things that we can learn from that perspective. However, a major lesson to learn from the story --- a vital lesson that is often missed --- is from the perspective of the father. This is a lesson on being the right kind of father – in principle, the right kind of parent. Five “fatherhood” (parenting) principles are revealed which, from God’s viewpoint, exemplify the conduct of a righteous father.

4 What The Righteous Father Did
He Gave His Child The Freedom To Choose. – Luke 15:11-13b Choices must be age appropriate – and in some cases, the parent MUST overrule a child’s decision. For example, modest apparel, entertainment, places to go, internet sites, TV programs, etc. In the case of children who are “of age” (as was the case in Luke 15), realize that their choice may be contrary to God and parent. Failure to allow children to make age appropriate choices leads to immaturity, indecisiveness, self doubt – and rebellion.

5 What The Righteous Father Did
He Let His Child Fully Experience The Painful Consequences Of Poor Choices. – Luke 15:13c-16 “Fully experience” = until the rebel comes to his / her senses (vs. 17a) and turns from rebellion! (vs. 18a, 20a) God has attached painful consequences to poor choices as an incentive to choose righteousness, as well as to turn back to Him – Amo 4:1-12; Gal 6:7-10

6 What The Righteous Father Did
He Let His Child Fully Experience The Painful Consequences Of Poor Choices. – Luke 15:13c-16 He did not try to shield or protect. He did not try to defend his conduct. He did not “bail out” his child. He made no excuses or justification. He did not materially or financially support or enable his son while in a life of rebellion. Failure to permit a rebellious child to fully experience the painful consequences for poor choices leads to continued irresponsibility.

7 What The Righteous Father Did
He Let His Child Fully Experience The Painful Consequences Of Poor Choices. – Luke 15:13c-16 When this is not allowed / enforced by the parents… Child repeats sin, continues in rebellion, still expecting others (parents) to do something to help them. Child manipulates parents with tears, guilt, blame, and threats to get what (s)he wants – yet, unwilling to turn from their rebellion against God and parent. Too often, parents give in and assist or enable the rebel, even as the child continues in rebellion. Consequently, the painful consequences that God has attached to the choice to sin – painful consequences which could bring the rebel to repentance – are thwarted -- by the parents -- to no one’s profit!

8 What The Righteous Father Did
He Received His Repentant Child With Compassion – Luke 15:17-20 Great joy shown over the child who has fully turned from rebellion, having put away sin from heart and life. The father did not gloat, belittle, “rub his nose in it”, “throw it in his face.” No display of rejection of his son. Not, “I knew you’d come crawling back.” Not, “You brought shame and disgrace on me and my house. You are an embarrassment.” Failure to show compassion and receive the fully repentant child leads to feelings and attitudes of bitterness, frustration, despair, and resentment towards a parent --- and often towards God!

9 What The Righteous Father Did
He Restored The Blessings And Privileges of Sonship To His Repentant Child. – Luke 15:21-24 The son accepted full accountability for his life of sin against God and his father, and he ceased from his life of rebellion. The son came back to his father -- penitent, humble, and expecting nothing -- only a desire for a place as the lowest of servants in his father’s house. Observe this fathers, mothers, parents!!! Blessings and privileges restored ONLY AFTER repentance has taken place. Tendency of parents is to restore, in full or in part, the blessings, privileges, and even material / financial support, to the child who continues in rebellion against God and parents.

10 What The Righteous Father Did
The other son --- the “faithful” son --- tried to play the card of unfairness and manipulate his father by working on his emotions. What should a righteous father do? Make a “tough” decision in which he risks the genuine possibility of losing this son? Make a “compromising” decision, essentially making both sons unhappy and risk losing both of them? Should he try to pacify both parties? Should he just throw up his hands and do nothing? Should he just do what is right, regardless of consequences, realizing that he is not responsible for whatever decision either son may choose?

11 What The Righteous Father Did
He Corrected His Child With Conviction. – Luke 15:25-32 Vs “Son, it is right…” NKJV He knew what was right – He decided what was right – He declared what was right – and He stood by that right decision – period!!! He would not be manipulated, intimidated, or threatened. He would not compromise. He would not give in. He stood firm for what is right! Children need father’s (parents) who stand on what is right, who will not compromise in matters of right and wrong – even at the risk of losing a child to Satan. Failure to stand by right decisions with conviction leads to a child’s compromising values, moral and spiritual relativism, and loss of respect for God and for parents. In short, it leads to rebellion!

12 “It Is Right!” – Luke 15:32 The father was right to allow his son to make his decisions – even when those decisions would result in rebellion against God and parents. It is still the right thing for a righteous father to do today.

13 “It Is Right!” – Luke 15:32 The father was right to allow his son to fully experience the painful consequences of his poor choices – even when those choices and consequences brought pain and heartache to God and parents. It is still the right thing for a righteous father to do today.

14 “It Is Right!” – Luke 15:32 The father was right to receive his son with compassion after his son turned completely away from his rebellion (in attitude and lifestyle) against God and parents. It is still the right thing for a righteous father to do today.

15 “It Is Right!” – Luke 15:32 The father was right to fully restore privileges and blessings to his son AFTER there was full repentance on the part of his formerly rebellious son. It is still the right thing for a righteous father to do today.

16 “It Is Right!” – Luke 15:32 The father was right to correct his son with conviction – to stand upon every principle that is right – regardless of how this might affect his relationship with his children. It is still the right thing for a righteous father to do today.

17 Fathers…Parents…Do What Is Right!
At every point in this story, we learn what is the right thing to do as a father, as a parent, with our children --- even when they choose rebellion against God and parents. And we need the faith, the courage, and the conviction to stand firmly on what is right --- whether the child is living under our rule, or whether that child is of age, on his own, and has chosen to rebel against God and parents. “It is right!” to take our firm stand on what is right. May God help us so to do.

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