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Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Considerations for the choice of statistical methods for PCOR questions Sara Lodi Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health February 25th 2016
Recap from earlier today…
We conduct observational studies when a question cannot be answered with a RCT Target trial: hypothetical RCT that we would have preferred to conduct… Design and analyse the observational study to emulate the target trial
Emulating the target trial
Formulation of the question and study design Eg eligibility criteria, intervention, outcome definition, ect Identification of data requirements Do we have data on all possible confounders? Statistical analyses of the observational study Tailored to the specific question and the data
In this talk… Focus on the choice of the statistical methods to emulate a target trial using observational data Identify some situations where standard methods fail time-varying confounding and informative censoring Introduce inverse probability weighting
Statistical methods for observational studies
Needed to adjust for confounding and selection bias Assume sufficient data to emulate the target trial Standard methods Stratification, propensity score, logistic regression, Cox models, etc G-methods Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models, g-formula and g-estimation of structural nested models
Standard methods G-methods OR
Good news: work well most of the times!
Standard methods G-methods OR Good news: work well most of the times! Often needed when things evolve/change over time
Questions in PCOR are often about time-varying treatments
Often about long-term outcomes in chronic diseases (HIV disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic liver disease, etc): Treatment optimization over the long-term Time-varying treatments and prognostic measures
Observational data Large populations followed-up prospectively for long periods Capture history of treatment, confounders and outcome Variety of settings and diversity of patients
Examples of observational data
Claims data (Medicare or Medicaid) Clinical records (HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration, UK CPRD data) Longitudinal cohorts (Nurses’ Health Study, Framingham Heart Study)
Example of HIV data Administrative censoring 1 June 2015 L
HIV diagnosis CD4 400 HIV-RNA 1000 Start antiretroviral treatment Drug resistance detected Treatment change Stroke 21Jan 2012 1 Feb 2013 3 March 2014 1 June 2015 HIV diagnosis CD4 200 HIV-RNA 10000 TB diagnosis TB death 1Jun 2012 3 Aug 2012 15 Jun 2014 HIV diagnosis CD4 600 HIV-RNA 1000 Pregnancy Start antiretroviral treatment Last visit L 1 Apr 2012 1 Apr 2013 1 Dec 2013
Time-varying confounding and treatment confounder feedback
Effect of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) on the risk of death
Antiretroviral treatment (ART) is effective in reducing the risk of AIDS morbidity and mortality Observational studies at the beginning of the ART era failed to replicate results of RCTs
Effect of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) on the risk of death
(HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration. AIDS 2009) TARGET TRIAL Eligibility criteria HIV-1-infected and ART-naïve Treatment arms Always treated (ART) versus never treated (no ART) Outcome Death Start/End follow-up From randomization to death, loss f-u, 5 years Analysis plan Hazard ratios of death for ART vs no ART treatment arm
In the observational data…
Administrative censoring 1 June 2015 HIV diagnosis CD4 400 HIV-RNA 1000 ART started Treatment change Last visit HIV diagnosis CD4 200 HIV-RNA 10000 TB diagnosis Death HIV diagnosis CD4 600 HIV-RNA 1000 ART started Last visit L
In the observational data…
No baseline randomization ART status is time-varying ART initiation depends on prognostic factors that vary over time (time-varying confounders)
Treatment-confounder feedback
At: Antiretroviral therapy Y: Death Lt: CD4 cell count U: Immunologic status A0 L1 A1 Y U
Treatment-confounder feedback
At: Antiretroviral therapy Y: Death Lt: CD4 cell count U: Immunologic status A0 L1 A1 Y U The time-varying confounders are affected by previous treatment
Treatment-confounder feedback
At: Antiretroviral therapy Y: Death Lt: CD4 cell count U: Immunologic status A0 L1 A1 Y U Standard methods don’t work Need to use g-methods
IPW Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models
Pseudo-population with no confounding by L1 Any outcome model can be used (marginal structural model)
Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models
STEP 1 Model for treatment Covariates: time-varying confounders Example: Logistic regression model for ART initiation CD4 count and other time-varying confounders as covariates
Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models
STEP 2 Use models from STEP 1 to estimate IP weights as the inverse of the predicted probability of receiving their treatment
Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models
STEP 3 A model for outcome with weights Covariates: time-varying treatment and (optional) baseline confounders, no time-varying confounders Example: Weighted Cox model for death with time-varying ART initiation status and baseline confounders as covariates
Effect of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) on the risk of death
(HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration. AIDS 2009) Standard method IPW
Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models
Assumptions No unmeasured or residual baseline or time-varying confounding Models for treatment and outcome should be correctly specified Positivity – the probability of having every value of the treatment is greater than zero
Informative censoring
Informative censoring
Administrative censoring 1 June 2015 HIV diagnosis CD4 400 HIV-RNA 1000 ART started Treatment change HIV diagnosis CD4 200 HIV-RNA 10000 TB diagnosis Death HIV diagnosis CD4 600 HIV-RNA 1000 ART started Last visit L
Informative censoring
Standard methods assume non informative censoring Individuals who are lost to follow-up have similar survival prospects compared to those who continue to be followed Censoring due to loss to follow up can be informative Time-varying selection bias
Inverse probability weighting of censoring
A model for censoring Covariates: time-varying confounders Used to estimate IP weights as the inverse of the predicted probability of not being censored A model for outcome (with weights) Covariates: time-varying treatment and (optional) baseline confounders, no time-varying confounders
Examples from literature using IPW
Comparison of immediate vs. deferred initiation of androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer patients with PSA-only relapse. Garcia-Albeniz X al 2015 Relationship between Epoetin Alfa Dose and Mortality. Wang O et al 2010
Examples where g-methods are not needed
Comparative effectiveness of two first line ART combinations (lopinavir versus atazanavir) on clinical outcomes. Cain el al. 2015 Treatment: lopinavir or atazanavir at ART initiation Effect of warfarin following AMI in patients with atrial fibrillation. Carrero J et al 2015 Treatment: warfarin or no warfarin at hospital discharge
Summary Standard methods work well when treatment is not time-varying (assume we have enough good data to adjust for confounding) G-methods are needed in the presence of: Treatment confounding feedback and informative censoring IPW can be used to correct for these issues
References Applications of IPW
HIV-CAUSAL Coll. The effect of combined antiretroviral therapy on the overall mortality of HIV-infected individuals. AIDS Jan 2;24(1): Garcia de Albaniz X el al. Immediate vs. deferred initiation of androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer patients with PSA-only relapse. European Journal of Cancer May;51(7):817-24 Wang O el al. Relationship between epoetin alfa dose and mortality: findings from a marginal structural model. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol Feb;5(2):182-8 Applications where g-methods are not needed Carrero J at al. Warfarin, kidney dysfunction, and outcomes following acute myocardial infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation. JAMA Mar 5;311(9): Cain L et al. Boosted lopinavir- versus boosted atazanavir-containing regimens and immunologic, virologic, and clinical outcomes. Clin Infect Dis Apr 15;60(8):1262-8
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