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Dr. David Gussak Associate Prof., Art Education/Art Therapy

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1 Dr. David Gussak Associate Prof., Art Education/Art Therapy
FSU Holocaust Institute for Educators Drawing Strength: The Art of the Holocaust Thank you for the introduction; I have to say, I was showing my bio to a friend of mine---I know, that sounds strange, showing my bio to a friend, but sometimes my friends put me thru an interview process, so I may be forced to give them my vita or something, but this particular friend said…Dave, you specialize in art therapy in prison, art therapy w/ juvenile delinquency, aggressive people, art and the holocaust---if I didn’t know you, I’d say you were quite morose… Thankfully, she did know me, and suffice it to say, I’m not really morose, but then I started thinking, why is this interest in Holocaust art seem so morose? I don’t think that—as a matter of fact, hopefully by the end of this presentation you’ll think just the opposite as well— Granted, the art you may see may seem horrific, seem dark and may even be quite painful to see, but nowhere else within the subject of the Holocaust is there really such hope, such optimisim, such humanism… Some have even said to me, Dave (my friends all call me Dave—I only make my parents call me Dr. Gussak), I don’t know if I really want to go to the presentation—such images may depress me… What draws me to this subject is that for me this is the one real place that I can turn to and see the human side—the viewing of the art removes the statistics… Dr. David Gussak Associate Prof., Art Education/Art Therapy

2 What is art therapy? Art therapy is the therapeutic use of art making, within a professional relationship, by people who experience illness, challenges in living, trauma, and by people who seek personal development. Through creating art and reflecting on the art products and processes, people can increase awareness of self and others; cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences; enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of making art (American Art Therapy Association, 1997, 2003). Here is the definition of art therapy as put forward by the American Art Therapy Association… Simply put, the art can be used in two ways—the final art product completed by a client can be used as a means to communicate when words are just not available, and as a means to express oneself, and redirect and re-channel energy and libidinal impulses in a way that is acceptable and beneficial…

3 Art As Product Margaret Naumburg--pioneer
uses final product to spark insights in the clients related to psychoanalytic perspective of dream analysis clients were generally adults had client complete art piece at home, then bring it in for discussion believed to have coined the phrase “dynamically oriented art psychotherapy”

4 Art As Process Edith Kramer--pioneer
observed the process to steer a therapeutic course --no final insight necessary also psychoanalytically based-- mostly concerned with such notions as -- transference and sublimation clients were generally children with needs had client complete art piece in session

5 The Synthesis Elinor Ulman--pioneer
believed that the synthesis between process and product was important; a good therapist needed knowledge of both

6 Therefore…Art Therapy is really based on a series of continua…to start with….
Product Process

7 The materials themselves and how they are used have several continua Known as the: Multi-Dimensional Variables rigid fluid simple complex structured Non-structured

8 Art of the Holocaust…

9 When Viewing The Following Images, Consider the Following Questions…
Why did the victims create this art? What did it accomplish? Why the risk? Why is it important to see this art? How do we talk about this art? What does it show us?

10 “…painting is designed as a mediator between us and the world around it and it is not necessarily an aesthetic operation, but a way of acquiring power and giving concrete form to our fears, hopes, and wishes.”--Picasso

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