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Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic Field from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation B.V. Jackson Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences,

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Presentation on theme: "Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic Field from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation B.V. Jackson Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic Field from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation B.V. Jackson Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA H.-S. Yu, P.P. Hick, A. Buffington Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA M.M. Bisi RAL Space, Science & Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, England (UK) M. Tokumaru Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Nagoya , Japan Where necessary I will add comments J. Kim, S. Hong Korean Space Weather Center, National Radio Research Agency, 198-6, Jeju, South Korea B. Lee, J. Yi, J Yun SELab, 8, Nonhyeon-ro 150-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea Masayoshi

2 Introduction: IPS Magnetic Field forward modeling closed-loop analyses from Current Sheet Source Surface (CSSS) modeling Closed-loop component forward-modeling of Bn can show a low-resolution component in solar wind data Current studies so far, implications My talk will proceed this way

3 Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis
The Solar Wind Imaging Facility, Toyokawa (SWIFT) array is shown in the above photograph. B. Jackson is standing on the steps that take one to the antenna dipoles. The non-moving array is steerable in declination, providing views of radio sources as the transit the meridian above Japan.

4 Current Prediction Analyses
Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, Current Prediction Analyses UCSD IPS analysis UCSD Web pages The UCSD forecast website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.

5 UCSD Archival IPS Analysis of V and D at WIND over Carrington rotation (April 27 – May 25, 2007) velocity density

6 Magnetic Field

7 Magnetic Field Extrapolation
(Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T., 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 100 (A1), 19.) Magnetic Field Extrapolation Dunn et al., 2005, Solar Physics 227: 339–353. In a technique worked out by Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T., 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 100 (A1), 19, we are able to project outward magnetic field from the solar surface. This works globally using archival data or in forecast. The potential field model provides a measurement of radial field at the source surface. This is projected outward using the UCSD solar wind model to provide a radial and tangential field anywhere within the 3D volume. Inner region: the CSSS model calculates the magnetic field using photospheric measurements and a horizontal current model. 2. Middle region: the CSSS model opens the field lines. In the outer region. 3. Outer region: the UCSD tomography convects the magnetic field along velocity flow lines. Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30,

8 15 Rs source surface Br field component sample
(Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T., 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 100 (A1), 19.) CSSS model 15 Rs source surface Br field component sample Dunn et al., 2005, Solar Physics 227: 339–353. Exclusively NSO SOLIS DATA

9 “R” “T” “N”

10 Extrapolated Br field component for CR 2056
CSSS model Extrapolated Br field component for CR 2056 Extrapolated Bt field component for CR 2056

11 “R” “T” “N” However, I have often wondered where the Bz in-situ field comes from. The Parker spiral analysis does not indicate how a normal field (north-south) can occur, and yet the field exists.

12 What is really wanted is Bn  Bz

13 1.3Rs below cusp surface Bn field component sample
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model 1.3Rs below cusp surface Bn field component sample

14 Extrapolated Bn field component for CR 2056
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model Extrapolated Bn field component for CR 2056 About 1/50th of the static flux r-1.34 fall-off

15 Things to try to determine a more
Study Underway Things to try to determine a more consistent closed loop and Bn correlation: 1) Will another model of the closed flux change the result? 2) How does the correlation and amount of closed flux released change from one Carrington rotation to another? 3) How does the location of the flux release surface change the result? 4) Do different magnetogram inputs provide a different result?

16 Structure at 1. 3Rs flux release surface sample field
Structure at 1.3Rs flux release surface sample field components from CSSS and PFSS models. PFSS Br PFSS Bt PFSS Bn CSSS Br CSSS Bt CSSS Bn

17 Variation with Solar Cycle

18 1.3Rs below cusp surface Br field component sample
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model 1.3Rs below cusp surface Br field component sample

19 Extrapolated Br field component for CR 2056
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model Extrapolated Br field component for CR 2056 1/50th of the static flux r-1.34 fall-off

20 Br ten-year correlation summary plot
Work in progress

21 Br ten-year slope summary plot
Work in progress

22 We suggest that at least part of the Bn component comes from closed fields that escape from near the solar surface – perhaps through some non-static process.

23 1.3 Rs “traced” near cusp surface Bn field component sample
CSSS model 1.3 Rs “traced” near cusp surface Bn field component sample Work in progress

24 Summary: IPS Magnetic Field forward modeling closed-loop analyses from Current Sheet Source Surface (CSSS) modeling can be forward modeled to show all three components of magnetic field measured in-situ. The results so far are low resolution, and while all three “closed” components give a dominance of positive correlations, the correlations from one to the next Carrington rotation are not always positive. The results show that these components are more dominant when there is a larger amount of solar activity. The implication is that probably some remnant of the closed fields escape from the near solar surface to permeate the solar wind. My talk will proceed this way

25 1.3Rs below cusp surface Bt field component sample
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model 1.3Rs below cusp surface Bt field component sample

26 Extrapolated Bt field component for CR 2056
(Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L , doi: / /803/1/L1.) CSSS model Extrapolated Bt field component for CR 2056 1/50th of the static flux r-1.34 fall-off

27 Bt ten-year correlation summary plot
Work in progress

28 Bt ten-year slope summary plot
Work in progress

29 Bn ten-year correlation summary plot
Work in progress

30 Bn ten-year slope summary plot
Work in progress

31 Structure at and below the cusp surface Bn field component sample.

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